Class ContainerRegistryAuthSupplier.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class ContainerRegistryAuthSupplier.Builder
    extends Object
    A Builder of ContainerRegistryAuthSupplier.

    The access tokens returned by the ContainerRegistryAuthSupplier are scoped to devstorage.read_write by default, these can be customized with withScopes(Collection).

    The default value for the minimum expiry time of an access token is one minute. When the ContainerRegistryAuthSupplier is asked for a RegistryAuth, it will check if the existing AccessToken for the GoogleCredentials expires within this amount of time. If it does, then the AccessToken is refreshed before being returned.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​( credentials)
    • Method Detail

      • withScopes

        public ContainerRegistryAuthSupplier.Builder withScopes​(Collection<String> scopes)
        Changes the scopes used in fetching AccessTokens.

        The default is devstorage.read_write, which allows pulling and pushing of images. To allow the application using ContainerRegistryAuthSupplier to pull but not push images, change the scope to contain only devstorage.read_only. only

        scopes - a list of scopes
      • withMinimumExpiry

        public ContainerRegistryAuthSupplier.Builder withMinimumExpiry​(long duration,
                                                                       TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Changes the minimum expiry time used to refresh AccessTokens before they expire. The default value is one minute.
        duration - the expiry duration value
        timeUnit - the expiry duration time unit