Interface LogStream

    • Method Detail

      • readFully

        String readFully()
      • attach

        void attach​(OutputStream stdout,
                    OutputStream stderr)
             throws IOException
        Attaches two OutputStreams to the LogStream.

        Example usage:

                 AttachParameter.LOGS, AttachParameter.STDOUT,
                 AttachParameter.STDERR, AttachParameter.STREAM)
             .attach(System.out, System.err);

        Typically you use PipedOutputStream connected to a PipedInputStream which are read by - for example - an InputStreamReader or a Scanner. For small inputs, the PipedOutputStream just writes to the buffer of the PipedInputStream, but you actually want to read and write from separate threads, as it may deadlock the thread.

           final PipedInputStream stdout = new PipedInputStream();
           final PipedInputStream stderr = new PipedInputStream();
           final PipedOutputStream stdout_pipe = new PipedOutputStream(stdout);
           final PipedOutputStream stderr_pipe = new PipedOutputStream(stderr);
           executor.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
             public Void call() throws Exception {
                   AttachParameter.LOGS, AttachParameter.STDOUT,
                   AttachParameter.STDERR, AttachParameter.STREAM
                 .attach(stdout_pipe, stderr_pipe);
               return null;
           try (Scanner sc_stdout = new Scanner(stdout); Scanner sc_stderr = new Scanner(stderr)) {
             // ... read here
        stdout - OutputStream for the standard out
        stderr - OutputStream for the standard err
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
        See Also:
        PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream