Interface FormElement<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the value of this field.
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFormElement, AbstractLookupFormElement, BigDecimalFormElement, CheckBoxFormElement, CodeFormElement, ComboBoxFormElement, EmptyFormElement, EnumFormElement, EnumSetFormElement, FormatFormElement, FormLookupFormElement, ImageFormElement, IntegerFormElement, ListFormElement, LocalDateFormElement, LocalDateTimeFormElement, LocalTimeFormElement, LongFormElement, NumberFormElement, PasswordFormElement, ReferenceFormElement, SelectionFormElement, SmallCodeListFormElement, SmallListFormElement, SmallListFormElement.InnerSmallListFormElement, StringFormElement, TextFormElement, UnknownFormElement

public interface FormElement<T>
A FormElement is not a component but provides a component There are FormElements that can be created for both changeable and readonly mode. They have an 'editable' parameter in the constructor. And there are FormElements that can only be created as changeable elements. Then as read only element is TextFormElement used.