Uses of Interface

Packages that use MockHandlerInterface
org.mockito.internal Internal classes, not to be used by clients. 
org.mockito.internal.util Static utils 

Uses of MockHandlerInterface in org.mockito.internal

Classes in org.mockito.internal that implement MockHandlerInterface
 class InvocationNotifierHandler<T>
          Handler, that call all listeners wanted for this mock, before delegating it to the parameterized handler.
 class MockHandler<T>
          Invocation handler set on mock objects.

Constructors in org.mockito.internal with parameters of type MockHandlerInterface
MockHandler(MockHandlerInterface<T> oldMockHandler)

Uses of MockHandlerInterface in org.mockito.internal.util

Methods in org.mockito.internal.util that return MockHandlerInterface
<T> MockHandlerInterface<T>
MockUtil.getMockHandler(T mock)