- return typeA0
- type of the first argumentA1
- type of the second argumentA2
- type of the third argumentA3
- type of the fourth argument@Incubating public interface Answer5<T,A0,A1,A2,A3,A4>
Example of stubbing a mock with this custom answer:
when(mock.someMethod(anyInt(), anyString(), anyChar(), any(), anyBoolean())).thenAnswer(
new Answer<StringBuilder, Integer, String, Character, Object, Boolean>() {
StringBuilder answer(Integer i, String s, Character c, Object o, Boolean isIt) {
return new StringBuilder().append(i).append(s).append(c).append(o.hashCode()).append(isIt);
//Following will print a string like "3xyz131635550true"
System.out.println(mock.someMethod(3, "xy", 'z', new Object(), true));
T answer(A0 argument0, A1 argument1, A2 argument2, A3 argument3, A4 argument4) throws Throwable
- the first argument.argument1
- the second argument.argument2
- the third argument.argument3
- the fourth argument.argument4
- the fifth argument.Throwable
- the throwable to be thrown