Interface VoidAnswer3<A0,​A1,​A2>

  • Type Parameters:
    A0 - type of the first argument
    A1 - type of the second argument
    A2 - type of the third argument

    public interface VoidAnswer3<A0,​A1,​A2>
    Generic interface to be used for configuring mock's answer for a three argument invocation that returns nothing. Answer specifies an action that is executed when you interact with the mock.

    Example of stubbing a mock with this custom answer:

     import static org.mockito.AdditionalAnswers.answerVoid;
         new VoidAnswer3<String, Integer, String>() {
             public void answer(String msg, Integer count, String another) throws Exception {
                 throw new Exception(String.format(msg, another, count));
     })).when(mock).someMethod(anyString(), anyInt(), anyString());
     //Following will raise an exception with the message "ka-boom 3"
     mock.someMethod("%s-boom %d", 3, "ka");
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • answer

        void answer​(A0 argument0,
                    A1 argument1,
                    A2 argument2)
             throws Throwable
        argument0 - the first argument.
        argument1 - the second argument.
        argument2 - the third argument.
        Throwable - the throwable to be thrown