
trait MockitoFixture extends MockitoSessionFixture with MockitoSugar with ArgumentMatchersSugar

It automatically wraps each test in a MockitoScalaSession so the implicit verifications are applied

Just mix-in after your favourite suite, i.e.

class MyTest extends WordSpec with MockitoFixture
Linear Supertypes
ArgumentMatchersSugar, FunctionMatchers, NullMatchers, StringThatMatchers, ThatMatchers, EqMatchers, AnyMatchers, MockitoSugar, Rest, Verifications, DoSomething, MockitoEnhancer, MockCreator, MockitoSessionFixture, TestSuite, Suite, Serializable, Serializable, Assertions, TripleEquals, TripleEqualsSupport, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. MockitoFixture
  2. ArgumentMatchersSugar
  3. FunctionMatchers
  4. NullMatchers
  5. StringThatMatchers
  6. ThatMatchers
  7. EqMatchers
  8. AnyMatchers
  9. MockitoSugar
  10. Rest
  11. Verifications
  12. DoSomething
  13. MockitoEnhancer
  14. MockCreator
  15. MockitoSessionFixture
  16. TestSuite
  17. Suite
  18. Serializable
  19. Serializable
  20. Assertions
  21. TripleEquals
  22. TripleEqualsSupport
  23. AnyRef
  24. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AssertionsHelper extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  2. class CheckingEqualizer[L] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  3. class Equalizer[L] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  4. trait NoArgTest extends () ⇒ Outcome with TestData
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. def !==[T](right: Spread[T]): TripleEqualsInvocationOnSpread[T]
    Definition Classes
  3. def !==(right: Null): TripleEqualsInvocation[Null]
    Definition Classes
  4. def !==[T](right: T): TripleEqualsInvocation[T]
    Definition Classes
  5. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. def *[T]: T

    Alias for org.mockito.matchers.AnyMatchers.any[T]

    Alias for org.mockito.matchers.AnyMatchers.any[T]

    Definition Classes
  7. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def ===[T](right: Spread[T]): TripleEqualsInvocationOnSpread[T]
    Definition Classes
  9. def ===(right: Null): TripleEqualsInvocation[Null]
    Definition Classes
  10. def ===[T](right: T): TripleEqualsInvocation[T]
    Definition Classes
  11. def any[T]: T

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.any(), it's main purpose is to remove the () out of the method call, if you try to do that directly on the test you get this error

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.any(), it's main purpose is to remove the () out of the method call, if you try to do that directly on the test you get this error

    Error:(71, 46) polymorphic expression cannot be instantiated to expected type; found : [T]()T required: String when you try to something like ArgumentMatchers.any

    Definition Classes
  12. def anyBoolean: Boolean

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyBoolean(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyBoolean(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Definition Classes
  13. def anyByte: Byte

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyByte(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyByte(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Definition Classes
  14. def anyChar: Char

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyChar(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyChar(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Definition Classes
  15. def anyDouble: Double

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyDouble(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyDouble(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Definition Classes
  16. def anyFloat: Float

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyFloat(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyFloat(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Definition Classes
  17. def anyInt: Int

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyInt(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyInt(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Definition Classes
  18. def anyIterable[T]: Iterable[T]

    Iterable matcher that use Scala Iterable to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : Iterable[String] (in java.util) required: Iterable[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    Iterable matcher that use Scala Iterable to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : Iterable[String] (in java.util) required: Iterable[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    when trying to do something like ArgumentMatchers.anyIterable[String]()

    Definition Classes
  19. def anyList[T]: List[T]

    List matcher that use Scala List to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : List[String] (in java.util) required: List[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    List matcher that use Scala List to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : List[String] (in java.util) required: List[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    when trying to do something like ArgumentMatchers.anyList[String]()

    Definition Classes
  20. def anyLong: Long

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyLong(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyLong(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Definition Classes
  21. def anyMap[K, V]: Map[K, V]

    Map matcher that use Scala Map to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : Map[String, String] (in java.util) required: Map[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    Map matcher that use Scala Map to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : Map[String, String] (in java.util) required: Map[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    when trying to do something like ArgumentMatchers.anyMap[String, String]()

    Definition Classes
  22. def anySeq[T]: Seq[T]

    Seq matcher that use Scala Seq to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : List[String] (in java.util) required: Seq[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    Seq matcher that use Scala Seq to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : List[String] (in java.util) required: Seq[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    when trying to do something like ArgumentMatchers.anyList[String]()

    Definition Classes
  23. def anySet[T]: Set[T]

    Set matcher that use Scala Set to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : Set[String] (in java.util) required: Set[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    Set matcher that use Scala Set to avoid compile errors like Error:(40, 60) type mismatch; found : Set[String] (in java.util) required: Set[?] (in scala.collection.immutable)

    when trying to do something like ArgumentMatchers.anySet[String]()

    Definition Classes
  24. def anyShort: Short

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyShort(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.anyShort(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place as any[T] would do the job just fine

    Definition Classes
  25. def anyVal[T](implicit valueClassMatchers: ValueClassMatchers[T]): T

    Wraps the standard 'any' matcher on the value class provided, this one requires the type to be explicit

    Wraps the standard 'any' matcher on the value class provided, this one requires the type to be explicit

    Definition Classes
  26. def argThat[T](matcher: ArgumentMatcher[T]): T

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.argThat(matcher), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.argThat(matcher), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Definition Classes
  27. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  28. macro def assert(condition: Boolean, clue: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  29. macro def assert(condition: Boolean)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  30. macro def assertCompiles(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  31. macro def assertDoesNotCompile(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  32. def assertResult(expected: Any)(actual: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  33. def assertResult(expected: Any, clue: Any)(actual: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  34. def assertThrows[T <: AnyRef](f: ⇒ Any)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[T], pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  35. macro def assertTypeError(code: String)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  36. val assertionsHelper: AssertionsHelper
    Definition Classes
  37. macro def assume(condition: Boolean, clue: Any)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  38. macro def assume(condition: Boolean)(implicit prettifier: Prettifier, pos: Position): Assertion
    Definition Classes
  39. def atLeast(minNumberOfInvocations: Int): VerificationMode

    Delegates to Mockito.atLeast(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.atLeast(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  40. def atLeastOnce: VerificationMode

    Delegates to Mockito.atLeastOnce(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Delegates to Mockito.atLeastOnce(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Definition Classes
  41. def atMost(maxNumberOfInvocations: Int): VerificationMode

    Delegates to Mockito.atMost(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.atMost(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  42. def booleanThat(matcher: ArgumentMatcher[Boolean]): Boolean

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Definition Classes
  43. def byteThat(matcher: ArgumentMatcher[Byte]): Byte

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitives", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitives", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Definition Classes
  44. def calls(wantedNumberOfInvocations: Int): VerificationMode

    Delegates to Mockito.calls(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.calls(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  45. def cancel(cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  46. def cancel(message: String, cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  47. def cancel(message: String)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  48. def cancel()(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  49. def charThat(matcher: ArgumentMatcher[Char]): Char

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Definition Classes
  50. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  51. def contains(substring: String): String

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.contains(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.contains(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Definition Classes
  52. def conversionCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A], cnv: (B) ⇒ A): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  53. def convertEquivalenceToAToBConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B])(implicit ev: <:<[A, B]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  54. def convertEquivalenceToAToBConversionConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B])(implicit ev: (A) ⇒ B): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  55. def convertEquivalenceToBToAConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A])(implicit ev: <:<[B, A]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  56. def convertEquivalenceToBToAConversionConstraint[A, B](equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A])(implicit ev: (B) ⇒ A): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  57. def convertToCheckingEqualizer[T](left: T): CheckingEqualizer[T]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  58. implicit def convertToEqualizer[T](left: T): Equalizer[T]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  59. def defaultEquality[A]: Equality[A]
    Definition Classes
  60. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, R](f: (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  61. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, R](f: (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  62. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, R](f: (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  63. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, R](f: (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  64. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, R](f: (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  65. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, R](f: (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  66. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, R](f: (P0, P1, P2, P3, P4) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  67. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, P3, R](f: (P0, P1, P2, P3) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  68. def doAnswer[P0, P1, P2, R](f: (P0, P1, P2) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  69. def doAnswer[P0, P1, R](f: (P0, P1) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  70. def doAnswer[P0, R](f: (P0) ⇒ R): Stubber
    Definition Classes
  71. def doAnswer[R](f: ⇒ R): Stubber

    Delegates to Mockito.doAnswer(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.doAnswer(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  72. def doCallRealMethod: Stubber

    Delegates to Mockito.doCallRealMethod(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Delegates to Mockito.doCallRealMethod(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Definition Classes
  73. def doNothing: Stubber

    Delegates to Mockito.doNothing(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Delegates to Mockito.doNothing(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Definition Classes
  74. def doReturn[T](toBeReturned: T, toBeReturnedNext: T*): Stubber

    Delegates the call to Mockito.doReturn(toBeReturned, toBeReturnedNext) but fixes the following compiler issue that happens because the overloaded vararg on the Java side

    Delegates the call to Mockito.doReturn(toBeReturned, toBeReturnedNext) but fixes the following compiler issue that happens because the overloaded vararg on the Java side

    Error:(33, 25) ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
    both method doReturn in class Mockito of type (x$1: Any, x$2: Object*)org.mockito.stubbing.Stubber
    and  method doReturn in class Mockito of type (x$1: Any)org.mockito.stubbing.Stubber
    match argument types (`Type`)
    Definition Classes
  75. def doThrow[T <: Throwable](implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): Stubber

    Delegates to Mockito.doThrow(type: Class[T]) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do doThrow[Throwable] instead of doThrow(classOf[Throwable])

    Delegates to Mockito.doThrow(type: Class[T]) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do doThrow[Throwable] instead of doThrow(classOf[Throwable])

    Definition Classes
  76. def doThrow(toBeThrown: Throwable*): Stubber

    Delegates to Mockito.doThrow, it's only here so we expose all the Mockito API on a single place

    Delegates to Mockito.doThrow, it's only here so we expose all the Mockito API on a single place

    Definition Classes
  77. def doubleThat(matcher: ArgumentMatcher[Double]): Double

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Definition Classes
  78. def endsWith(suffix: String): String

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.endsWith(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.endsWith(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Definition Classes
  79. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  80. def eqTo[T](value: T): T

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.eq(), it renames the method to eqTo to avoid clashes with the Scala eq method used for reference equality

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.eq(), it renames the method to eqTo to avoid clashes with the Scala eq method used for reference equality

    Definition Classes
  81. def eqToVal[T](value: Any)(implicit valueClassMatchers: ValueClassMatchers[T]): T

    Wraps the standard 'ArgumentMatchers.eq()' matcher on the value class provided, this one requires the type to be explicit

    Wraps the standard 'ArgumentMatchers.eq()' matcher on the value class provided, this one requires the type to be explicit

    Definition Classes
  82. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  83. final def execute(testName: String, configMap: ConfigMap, color: Boolean, durations: Boolean, shortstacks: Boolean, fullstacks: Boolean, stats: Boolean): Unit
    Definition Classes
  84. def expectedTestCount(filter: Filter): Int
    Definition Classes
  85. def fail(cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  86. def fail(message: String, cause: Throwable)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  87. def fail(message: String)(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  88. def fail()(implicit pos: Position): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  89. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  90. def floatThat(matcher: ArgumentMatcher[Float]): Float

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Definition Classes
  91. def function0[T](value: T): () ⇒ T
    Definition Classes
  92. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  93. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  94. def ignoreStubs(mocks: AnyRef*): Array[AnyRef]

    Delegates to Mockito.ignoreStubs(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.ignoreStubs(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  95. def inOrder(mocks: AnyRef*): InOrder

    Delegates to Mockito.inOrder(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.inOrder(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  96. def intThat(matcher: ArgumentMatcher[Int]): Int

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Definition Classes
  97. def intercept[T <: AnyRef](f: ⇒ Any)(implicit classTag: ClassTag[T], pos: Position): T
    Definition Classes
  98. def isA[T](implicit classTag: ClassTag[T]): T

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.isA(type: Class[T]) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do isA[String] instead of isA(classOf[String])

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.isA(type: Class[T]) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do isA[String] instead of isA(classOf[String])

    Definition Classes
  99. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  100. def longThat(matcher: ArgumentMatcher[Long]): Long

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary conversion that would be necessary used the Java version

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary conversion that would be necessary used the Java version

    Definition Classes
  101. def lowPriorityConversionCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B], cnv: (A) ⇒ B): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  102. def lowPriorityTypeCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfB: Equivalence[B], ev: <:<[A, B]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  103. def matches(regex: String): String

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.matches(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.matches(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Definition Classes
  104. def mock[T <: AnyRef](name: String)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], arg1: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T], defaultAnswer: DefaultAnswer): T

    Delegates to Mockito.mock(type: Class[T], name: String) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do mock[MyClass](name) instead of mock(classOf[MyClass], name)

    Delegates to Mockito.mock(type: Class[T], name: String) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do mock[MyClass](name) instead of mock(classOf[MyClass], name)

    It also pre-stub the mock so the compiler-generated methods that provide the values for the default arguments are called, ie: given def iHaveSomeDefaultArguments(noDefault: String, default: String = "default value")

    without this fix, if you call it as iHaveSomeDefaultArguments("I'm not gonna pass the second argument") then you could have not verified it like verify(aMock).iHaveSomeDefaultArguments("I'm not gonna pass the second argument", "default value") as the value for the second parameter would have been null...

    Definition Classes
    MockitoEnhancer → MockCreator
  105. def mock[T <: AnyRef](mockSettings: MockSettings)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], arg1: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T]): T

    Delegates to Mockito.mock(type: Class[T], mockSettings: MockSettings) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do mock[MyClass](mockSettings) instead of mock(classOf[MyClass], mockSettings)

    Delegates to Mockito.mock(type: Class[T], mockSettings: MockSettings) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do mock[MyClass](mockSettings) instead of mock(classOf[MyClass], mockSettings)

    It also pre-stub the mock so the compiler-generated methods that provide the values for the default arguments are called, ie: given def iHaveSomeDefaultArguments(noDefault: String, default: String = "default value")

    without this fix, if you call it as iHaveSomeDefaultArguments("I'm not gonna pass the second argument") then you could have not verified it like verify(aMock).iHaveSomeDefaultArguments("I'm not gonna pass the second argument", "default value") as the value for the second parameter would have been null...

    Definition Classes
    MockitoEnhancer → MockCreator
  106. def mock[T <: AnyRef](defaultAnswer: DefaultAnswer)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], arg1: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T]): T

    Delegates to Mockito.mock(type: Class[T], defaultAnswer: Answer[_]) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do mock[MyClass](defaultAnswer) instead of mock(classOf[MyClass], defaultAnswer)

    Delegates to Mockito.mock(type: Class[T], defaultAnswer: Answer[_]) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do mock[MyClass](defaultAnswer) instead of mock(classOf[MyClass], defaultAnswer)

    It also pre-stub the mock so the compiler-generated methods that provide the values for the default arguments are called, ie: given def iHaveSomeDefaultArguments(noDefault: String, default: String = "default value")

    without this fix, if you call it as iHaveSomeDefaultArguments("I'm not gonna pass the second argument") then you could have not verified it like verify(aMock).iHaveSomeDefaultArguments("I'm not gonna pass the second argument", "default value") as the value for the second parameter would have been null...

    Definition Classes
    MockitoEnhancer → MockCreator
  107. def mock[T <: AnyRef](implicit arg0: ClassTag[T], arg1: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse.TypeTag[T], defaultAnswer: DefaultAnswer): T

    Delegates to Mockito.mock(type: Class[T]) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do mock[MyClass] instead of mock(classOf[MyClass])

    Delegates to Mockito.mock(type: Class[T]) It provides a nicer API as you can, for instance, do mock[MyClass] instead of mock(classOf[MyClass])

    It also pre-stub the mock so the compiler-generated methods that provide the values for the default arguments are called, ie: given def iHaveSomeDefaultArguments(noDefault: String, default: String = "default value")

    without this fix, if you call it as iHaveSomeDefaultArguments("I'm not gonna pass the second argument") then you could have not verified it like verify(aMock).iHaveSomeDefaultArguments("I'm not gonna pass the second argument", "default value") as the value for the second parameter would have been null...

    Definition Classes
    MockitoEnhancer → MockCreator
  108. def mockingDetails(toInspect: AnyRef): MockingDetails

    Delegates to Mockito.mockingDetails(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.mockingDetails(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  109. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  110. def nestedSuites: IndexedSeq[Suite]
    Definition Classes
  111. def never: VerificationMode

    Delegates to Mockito.never(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Delegates to Mockito.never(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Definition Classes
  112. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  113. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  114. def only: VerificationMode

    Delegates to Mockito.only(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Delegates to Mockito.only(), it removes the parenthesis to have a cleaner API

    Definition Classes
  115. def pending: Assertion with PendingStatement
    Definition Classes
  116. def pendingUntilFixed(f: ⇒ Unit)(implicit pos: Position): Assertion with PendingStatement
    Definition Classes
  117. def refEq[T](value: T, excludeFields: String*): T

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.refEq(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.refEq(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Definition Classes
  118. def rerunner: Option[String]
    Definition Classes
  119. def reset(mocks: AnyRef*): Unit

    Delegates to Mockito.reset(T... mocks), but restores the default stubs that deal with default argument values

    Delegates to Mockito.reset(T... mocks), but restores the default stubs that deal with default argument values

    Definition Classes
  120. def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status
    Definition Classes
  121. def runNestedSuites(args: Args): Status
    Definition Classes
  122. def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status
    Definition Classes
    TestSuite → Suite
  123. def runTests(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status
    Definition Classes
  124. def same[T](value: T): T

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.same(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.same(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Definition Classes
  125. def shortThat(matcher: ArgumentMatcher[Short]): Short

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Delegates the call to argThat but using the Scala "primitive", this provides avoids an unnecessary implicit conversion that would be necessary if we used the Java version

    Definition Classes
  126. def spy[T](realObj: T): T

    Delegates to Mockito.spy(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.spy(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
    Rest → MockCreator
  127. def spyLambda[T <: AnyRef](realObj: T)(implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): T

    Creates a "spy" in a way that supports lambdas and anonymous classes as they don't work with the standard spy as they are created as final classes by the compiler

    Creates a "spy" in a way that supports lambdas and anonymous classes as they don't work with the standard spy as they are created as final classes by the compiler

    Definition Classes
    Rest → MockCreator
  128. def startsWith(prefix: String): String

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.startsWith(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.startsWith(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place

    Definition Classes
  129. val styleName: String
    Definition Classes
  130. final val succeed: Assertion
    Definition Classes
  131. def suiteId: String
    Definition Classes
  132. def suiteName: String
    Definition Classes
  133. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  134. def tags: Map[String, Set[String]]
    Definition Classes
  135. def testDataFor(testName: String, theConfigMap: ConfigMap): TestData
    Definition Classes
  136. def testNames: Set[String]
    Definition Classes
  137. def timeout(millis: Int): VerificationWithTimeout

    Delegates to Mockito.timeout(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.timeout(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  138. def times(wantedNumberOfInvocations: Int): VerificationMode

    Delegates to Mockito.times(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.times(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  139. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  140. def typeCheckedConstraint[A, B](implicit equivalenceOfA: Equivalence[A], ev: <:<[B, A]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  141. implicit def unconstrainedEquality[A, B](implicit equalityOfA: Equality[A]): CanEqual[A, B]
    Definition Classes
    TripleEquals → TripleEqualsSupport
  142. def validateMockitoUsage(): Unit

    Delegates to Mockito.validateMockitoUsage(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.validateMockitoUsage(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  143. def verify[T](mock: T, mode: VerificationMode): T

    Delegates to Mockito.verify(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.verify(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  144. def verify[T](mock: T): T

    Delegates to Mockito.verify(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.verify(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  145. def verifyNoMoreInteractions(mocks: AnyRef*): Unit

    Delegates to Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions(Object... mocks), but ignores the default stubs that deal with default argument values

    Delegates to Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions(Object... mocks), but ignores the default stubs that deal with default argument values

    Definition Classes
  146. def verifyZeroInteractions(mocks: AnyRef*): Unit

    Delegates to Mockito.verifyZeroInteractions(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.verifyZeroInteractions(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  147. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  148. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  149. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @throws( ... )
  150. def when[T](methodCall: T): ScalaFirstStubbing[T]

    Delegates to Mockito.when(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.when(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes
  151. def withClue[T](clue: Any)(fun: ⇒ T): T
    Definition Classes
  152. def withFixture(test: NoArgTest): Outcome
    Definition Classes
    MockitoSessionFixture → TestSuite
  153. def withSettings(implicit defaultAnswer: DefaultAnswer): MockSettings

    Delegates to Mockito.withSettings(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Delegates to Mockito.withSettings(), it's only here to expose the full Mockito API

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. final def execute: Unit
    Definition Classes

    The parameterless execute method has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest. Please invoke execute with empty parens instead: execute().

  2. def isNotNull[T]: T

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.isNotNull(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place, but marked as @deprecated as you shouldn't be testing for nulls on Scala

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.isNotNull(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place, but marked as @deprecated as you shouldn't be testing for nulls on Scala

    Definition Classes
  3. def isNull[T]: T

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.isNull(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place, but marked as @deprecated as you shouldn't be testing for nulls on Scala

    Delegates to ArgumentMatchers.isNull(), it's only here so we expose all the ArgumentMatchers on a single place, but marked as @deprecated as you shouldn't be testing for nulls on Scala

    Definition Classes
  4. def trap[T](f: ⇒ T): Throwable
    Definition Classes

    The trap method is no longer needed for demos in the REPL, which now abreviates stack traces, and will be removed in a future version of ScalaTest

Inherited from ArgumentMatchersSugar

Inherited from FunctionMatchers

Inherited from NullMatchers

Inherited from StringThatMatchers

Inherited from ThatMatchers

Inherited from EqMatchers

Inherited from AnyMatchers

Inherited from MockitoSugar

Inherited from Rest

Inherited from Verifications

Inherited from DoSomething

Inherited from MockitoEnhancer

Inherited from MockCreator

Inherited from MockitoSessionFixture

Inherited from TestSuite

Inherited from Suite

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Assertions

Inherited from TripleEquals

Inherited from TripleEqualsSupport

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
