Uses of Interface

Packages that use MappingContext
org.modelmapper ModelMapper is an intelligent object mapping library. 
org.modelmapper.internal ModelMapper internals. 
org.modelmapper.spi Service Provider Interface 

Uses of MappingContext in org.modelmapper

Methods in org.modelmapper with parameters of type MappingContext
 boolean Condition.applies(MappingContext<S,D> context)
          Specifies whether the condition applies to the context.
 D Converter.convert(MappingContext<S,D> context)
          Converts the getSource() to an instance of getDestinationType().
 D AbstractConverter.convert(MappingContext<S,D> context)
          Delegates conversion to AbstractConverter.convert(Object).

Uses of MappingContext in org.modelmapper.internal

Classes in org.modelmapper.internal that implement MappingContext
 class MappingContextImpl<S,D>
          MappingContext implementation that caches destination values by their corresponding Mutator.

Methods in org.modelmapper.internal that return MappingContext
<CS,CD> MappingContext<CS,CD>
MappingContextImpl.create(CS source, Class<CD> destinationType)

Methods in org.modelmapper.internal with parameters of type MappingContext
<S,D> D
MappingEngineImpl.createDestination(MappingContext<S,D> context)
<S,D> D<S,D> context)
          Performs mapping using a TypeMap if one exists, else a converter if one applies, else a newly created TypeMap.

Uses of MappingContext in org.modelmapper.spi

Methods in org.modelmapper.spi that return MappingContext
<CS,CD> MappingContext<CS,CD>
MappingContext.create(CS source, Class<CD> destinationType)
          Creates a new child MappingContext for the source and destinationType which inherits all other information from the this MappingContext.

Methods in org.modelmapper.spi with parameters of type MappingContext
<S,D> D
MappingEngine.createDestination(MappingContext<S,D> context)
          Creates an instance of the destination type for the context, capturing any errors that may occur during instantiation.
<S,D> D<S,D> context)
          Maps an instance of type D for the context.

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