Class PageRank

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PageRank
    extends Algorithm<PageRank,​PageRank>
    Partition based parallel Page Rank based on "An Efficient Partition-Based Parallel PageRank Algorithm" [1]

    Each partition thread has its local array of only the nodes that it is responsible for, not for all nodes. Combined, all partitions hold all page rank scores for every node once. Instead of writing partition files and transferring them across the network (as done in the paper since they were concerned with parallelising across multiple nodes), we use integer arrays to write the results to. The actual score is upscaled from a double to an integer by multiplying it with 100_000.

    To avoid contention by writing to a shared array, we partition the result array. During execution, the scores arrays are shaped like this:

         [ executing partition ] -> [ calculated partition ] -> [ local page rank scores ]

    Each single partition writes in a partitioned array, calculation the scores for every receiving partition. A single partition only sees:

         [ calculated partition ] -> [ local page rank scores ]

    The coordinating thread then builds the transpose of all written partitions from every partition:

         [ calculated partition ] -> [ executing partition ] -> [ local page rank scores ]

    This step does not happen in parallel, but does not involve extensive copying. The local page rank scores needn't be copied, only the partitioning arrays. All in all, concurrency^2 array element reads and assignments have to be performed.

    For the next iteration, every partition first updates its scores, in parallel. A single partition now sees:

         [ executing partition ] -> [ local page rank scores ]

    That is, a list of all calculated scores for it self, grouped by the partition that calculated these scores. This means, most of the synchronization happens in parallel, too.

    Partitioning is not done by number of nodes but by the accumulated degree – as described in "Fast Parallel PageRank: A Linear System Approach" [2]. Every partition should have about the same number of relationships to operate on. This is done to avoid having one partition with super nodes and instead have all partitions run in approximately equal time. Smaller partitions are merged down until we have at most concurrency partitions, in order to batch partitions and keep the number of threads in use predictable/configurable.

    [1]: An Efficient Partition-Based Parallel PageRank Algorithm
    [2]: Fast Parallel PageRank: A Linear System Approach