Class ScalePropertiesFactory<CONFIG extends ScalePropertiesBaseConfig>

    • Constructor Detail

      • ScalePropertiesFactory

        public ScalePropertiesFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • taskName

        public java.lang.String taskName()
        Description copied from interface: AlgorithmFactory
        The name of the task. Typically the name of the algorithm, but Java type params are not good enough. Used for progress logging.
        the name of the task that logs progress
      • build

        public ScaleProperties build​(org.neo4j.gds.api.Graph graph,
                                     CONFIG configuration,
                                     org.neo4j.gds.core.utils.mem.AllocationTracker allocationTracker,
                                     org.neo4j.gds.core.utils.progress.tasks.ProgressTracker progressTracker)
      • memoryEstimation

        public org.neo4j.gds.core.utils.mem.MemoryEstimation memoryEstimation​(CONFIG configuration)
        Description copied from interface: AlgorithmFactory
        Returns an estimation about the memory consumption of that algorithm. The memory estimation can be used to compute the actual consumption depending on GraphDimensions and concurrency.
        memory estimation
        See Also:
        MemoryEstimations, MemoryEstimation.estimate(org.neo4j.gds.core.GraphDimensions, int)