Interface NodeProperties

    • Method Detail

      • nodeProperty

        double nodeProperty​(long nodeId)
        Returns the property value for a node or the loaded default value if no property has been defined.
      • nodeProperty

        default double nodeProperty​(long nodeId,
                                    double defaultValue)
        Returns the property value for a node or the given default value if no property had been defined. The default value has precedence over the default value defined by the loader.
      • getMaxPropertyValue

        default java.util.OptionalLong getMaxPropertyValue()
        the maximum value contained in the mapping or an empty OptionalLong if the mapping is empty or the feature is not supported.
      • release

        default long release()
        Release internal data structures and return an estimate how many bytes were freed. Note that the mapping is not usable afterwards.
      • size

        default long size()
        the number of values stored.