Interface RelationshipIterator

    • Method Detail

      • forEachRelationship

        void forEachRelationship​(long nodeId,
                                 RelationshipConsumer consumer)
        Calls the given consumer function for every relationship of a given node.
        nodeId - id of the node for which to iterate relationships
        consumer - relationship consumer function
      • forEachRelationship

        void forEachRelationship​(long nodeId,
                                 double fallbackValue,
                                 RelationshipWithPropertyConsumer consumer)
        Calls the given consumer function for every relationship of a given node. If the graph was loaded with a relationship property, the property value of the relationship will be passed into the consumer. Otherwise the given fallback value will be used.
        nodeId - id of the node for which to iterate relationships
        fallbackValue - value used as relationship property if no properties were loaded
        consumer - relationship consumer function
      • concurrentCopy

        default RelationshipIterator concurrentCopy()
        a copy of this iterator that reuses new cursors internally, so that iterations happen independent from other iterations.