Class HugeLongArray

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class HugeLongArray
    extends HugeArray<long[],​java.lang.Long,​HugeLongArray>
    A long-indexable version of a primitive long array (long[]) that can contain more than 2 bn. elements.

    It is implemented by paging of smaller long-arrays (long[][]) to support approx. 32k bn. elements. If the provided size is small enough, an optimized view of a single long[] might be used.

    • The array is of a fixed size and cannot grow or shrink dynamically.
    • The array is not optimized for sparseness and has a large memory overhead if the values written to it are very sparse (see HugeSparseLongArray for a different implementation that can profit from sparse data).
    • The array does not support default values and returns the same default for unset values that a regular long[] does (0).

    Basic Usage

     AllocationTracker allocationTracker = ...;
     long arraySize = 42L;
     HugeLongArray array = HugeLongArray.newArray(arraySize, allocationTracker);
     array.set(13L, 37L);
     long value = array.get(13L);
     // value = 37L
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract void addTo​(long index, long value)
      Adds (+) the existing value and the provided value at the given index and stored the result into the given index.
      abstract long and​(long index, long value)
      Computes the bit-wise AND (&) of the existing value and the provided value at the given index.
      LongNodeProperties asNodeProperties()  
      abstract long binarySearch​(long searchValue)
      Find the index where (values[idx] <= searchValue) && (values[idx + 1] > searchValue).
      HugeLongArray copyOf​(long newLength, AllocationTracker allocationTracker)
      Creates a copy of the given array.
      abstract void copyTo​(HugeLongArray dest, long length)
      Copies the content of this array into the target array.
      abstract void fill​(long value)
      Assigns the specified long value to each element.
      abstract long get​(long index)  
      static long memoryEstimation​(long size)  
      static HugeLongArray newArray​(long size, AllocationTracker allocationTracker)
      Creates a new array of the given size, tracking the memory requirements into the given AllocationTracker.
      abstract HugeCursor<long[]> newCursor()
      Returns a new HugeCursor for this array.
      static HugeLongArray of​(long... values)  
      static HugeLongArray of​(long[][] array, long size)  
      abstract void or​(long index, long value)
      Computes the bit-wise OR (|) of the existing value and the provided value at the given index.
      abstract int pages()  
      abstract long release()
      Destroys the data, allowing the underlying storage arrays to be collected as garbage.
      abstract void set​(long index, long value)
      Sets the long value at the given index to the given value.
      abstract void setAll​(java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator gen)
      Set all elements using the provided generator function to compute each element.
      abstract long size()
      Returns the length of this array.
      abstract long sizeOf()
      long[] toArray()
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • HugeLongArray

        public HugeLongArray()
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public abstract long get​(long index)
        the long value at the given index
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is not within size()
      • set

        public abstract void set​(long index,
                                 long value)
        Sets the long value at the given index to the given value.
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is not within size()
      • or

        public abstract void or​(long index,
                                long value)
        Computes the bit-wise OR (|) of the existing value and the provided value at the given index. If there was no previous value, the final result is set to the provided value (x | 0 == x).
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is not within size()
      • and

        public abstract long and​(long index,
                                 long value)
        Computes the bit-wise AND (&) of the existing value and the provided value at the given index. If there was no previous value, the final result is set to the 0 (x & 0 == 0).
        the now current value after the operation
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is not within size()
      • addTo

        public abstract void addTo​(long index,
                                   long value)
        Adds (+) the existing value and the provided value at the given index and stored the result into the given index. If there was no previous value, the final result is set to the provided value (x + 0 == x).
        java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is not within size()
      • setAll

        public abstract void setAll​(java.util.function.LongUnaryOperator gen)
        Set all elements using the provided generator function to compute each element.

        The behavior is identical to Arrays.setAll(long[], java.util.function.IntToLongFunction).

      • fill

        public abstract void fill​(long value)
        Assigns the specified long value to each element.

        The behavior is identical to Arrays.fill(long[], long).

      • size

        public abstract long size()
        Returns the length of this array.

        If the size is greater than zero, the highest supported index is size() - 1

        The behavior is identical to calling array.length on primitive arrays.

        Specified by:
        size in interface HugeCursorSupport<long[]>
        Specified by:
        size in class HugeArray<long[],​java.lang.Long,​HugeLongArray>
      • sizeOf

        public abstract long sizeOf()
        Specified by:
        sizeOf in class HugeArray<long[],​java.lang.Long,​HugeLongArray>
        the amount of memory used by the instance of this array, in bytes. This should be the same as returned from HugeArray.release() without actually releasing the array.
      • binarySearch

        public abstract long binarySearch​(long searchValue)
        Find the index where (values[idx] <= searchValue) && (values[idx + 1] > searchValue). The result differs from that of Arrays.binarySearch(long[], long) in that this method returns a positive index even if the array does not directly contain the searched value. It returns -1 iff the value is smaller than the smallest one in the array.
      • release

        public abstract long release()
        Destroys the data, allowing the underlying storage arrays to be collected as garbage. The array is unusable after calling this method and will throw NullPointerExceptions on virtually every method invocation.

        Note that the data might not immediately collectible if there are still cursors alive that reference this array. You have to HugeCursor.close() every cursor instance as well.

        The amount is not removed from the AllocationTracker that had been provided in the constructor.

        Specified by:
        release in class HugeArray<long[],​java.lang.Long,​HugeLongArray>
        the amount of memory freed, in bytes.
      • copyTo

        public abstract void copyTo​(HugeLongArray dest,
                                    long length)
        Copies the content of this array into the target array.

        The behavior is identical to System.arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int).

        Specified by:
        copyTo in class HugeArray<long[],​java.lang.Long,​HugeLongArray>
      • pages

        public abstract int pages()
      • toArray

        public long[] toArray()
        Specified by:
        toArray in class HugeArray<long[],​java.lang.Long,​HugeLongArray>
        the contents of this array as a flat java primitive array. The returned array might be shared and changes would then be reflected and visible in this array.
      • newArray

        public static HugeLongArray newArray​(long size,
                                             AllocationTracker allocationTracker)
        Creates a new array of the given size, tracking the memory requirements into the given AllocationTracker. The tracker is no longer referenced, as the arrays do not dynamically change their size.
      • memoryEstimation

        public static long memoryEstimation​(long size)
      • of

        public static HugeLongArray of​(long[][] array,
                                       long size)