Class AdjacencyBuffer

  • public final class AdjacencyBuffer
    extends java.lang.Object
    Wraps a paged representation of ChunkedAdjacencyListss which store the target ids for each node during import. An instance of this class exists exactly once per relationship type and has the following responsibilities:
    • Receives raw relationship records from relationship batch buffers via SingleTypeRelationshipImporter
    • Compresses raw records into compressed long arrays
    • Creates tasks that write compressed long arrays into the final adjacency list using a specific compressor
    • Method Detail

      • memoryEstimation

        public static org.neo4j.gds.core.utils.mem.MemoryEstimation memoryEstimation​(org.neo4j.gds.RelationshipType relationshipType,
                                                                                     int propertyCount,
                                                                                     boolean undirected)
      • memoryEstimation

        public static org.neo4j.gds.core.utils.mem.MemoryEstimation memoryEstimation​(long avgDegree,
                                                                                     long nodeCount,
                                                                                     int propertyCount,
                                                                                     int concurrency)