Interface AdjacencyList.MemoryInfo

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface AdjacencyList.MemoryInfo
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        static org.neo4j.gds.api.ImmutableMemoryInfo.Builder builder​(MemoryTracker memoryTracker)
      • bytesTotal

        default java.util.OptionalLong bytesTotal()
        Returns the total number of bytes occupied by this adjacency list, including both, on heap and off heap.
      • pages

        long pages()
        The number of pages this adjacency list occupies.
      • bytesOnHeap

        java.util.OptionalLong bytesOnHeap()
        Number of bytes this adjacency list occupies on heap.
        Number of bytes or empty if not accessible.
      • bytesOffHeap

        java.util.OptionalLong bytesOffHeap()
        Number of bytes this adjacency list occupies off heap.
        Number of bytes or empty if not accessible.
      • heapAllocations

        ImmutableHistogram heapAllocations()
        Histogram that tracks heap allocations sizes during adjacency list construction. Each allocation is the number of bytes allocated for a single adjacency list.
      • nativeAllocations

        ImmutableHistogram nativeAllocations()
        Histogram that tracks native allocations sizes during adjacency list construction. Each allocation is the number of bytes allocated for a single adjacency list.
      • pageSizes

        ImmutableHistogram pageSizes()
        Histogram that tracks pages sizes of an adjacency list.
      • headerBits

        ImmutableHistogram headerBits()
        Histogram that tracks the number of bits used to encode a block of target ids.
      • blockStatistics

        java.util.Optional<BlockStatistics> blockStatistics()
        A collection of histograms that record various statistics for block packing.