Interface MemoryInfo

  • public interface MemoryInfo
    • Method Detail

      • bytesTotal

        default java.util.OptionalLong bytesTotal()
        Returns the total number of bytes occupied by this adjacency list, including both, on heap and off heap.
      • pages

        long pages()
        The number of pages this adjacency list occupies.
      • bytesOnHeap

        java.util.OptionalLong bytesOnHeap()
        Number of bytes this adjacency list occupies on heap.
        Number of bytes or empty if not accessible.
      • bytesOffHeap

        java.util.OptionalLong bytesOffHeap()
        Number of bytes this adjacency list occupies off heap.
        Number of bytes or empty if not accessible.
      • heapAllocations

        ImmutableHistogram heapAllocations()
        Histogram that tracks heap allocations sizes during adjacency list construction. Each allocation is the number of bytes allocated for a single adjacency list.
      • nativeAllocations

        ImmutableHistogram nativeAllocations()
        Histogram that tracks native allocations sizes during adjacency list construction. Each allocation is the number of bytes allocated for a single adjacency list.
      • pageSizes

        ImmutableHistogram pageSizes()
        Histogram that tracks pages sizes of an adjacency list.
      • headerBits

        ImmutableHistogram headerBits()
        Histogram that tracks the number of bits used to encode a block of target ids.
      • blockCount

        java.util.OptionalLong blockCount()
        Tracks the number of blocks in the adjacency list.
      • stdDevBits

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> stdDevBits()
        Tracks the standard deviation of the number of bits used to encode a block of target ids.
      • meanBits

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> meanBits()
        Tracks the mean of the number of bits used to encode a block of target ids.
      • medianBits

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> medianBits()
        Tracks the median of the number of bits used to encode a block of target ids.
      • blockLengths

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> blockLengths()
        Tracks the block lengths.
      • maxBits

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> maxBits()
        Tracks the maximum number of bits used to encode a block of target ids.
      • minBits

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> minBits()
        Tracks the minimum number of bits used to encode a block of target ids.
      • indexOfMinValue

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> indexOfMinValue()
        Tracks the index of the min value within a block of target ids.
      • indexOfMaxValue

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> indexOfMaxValue()
        Tracks the index of the max value within a block of target ids.
      • headTailDiffBits

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> headTailDiffBits()
        Tracks the absolute difference between the number of bits required to encode the head value and the average number of bits required for the tail values.
      • bestMaxDiffBits

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> bestMaxDiffBits()
        Tracks the difference between the lowest and highest number of bits to encode any value in a block.
      • pforExceptions

        java.util.Optional<ImmutableHistogram> pforExceptions()
        Tracks the number of exceptions within a block according to the PFOR heuristic.