Interface ResponseMapper<M>

Type Parameters:
M - The Response model
All Known Implementing Classes:
GraphRowListModelMapper, GraphRowModelMapper

public interface ResponseMapper<M>
Specification for an object-model mapper, which can map a model M onto arbitrary Java objects.
Vince Bickers
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <T> Iterable<T>
    map(Class<T> type, org.neo4j.ogm.response.Response<M> response)
    Maps the data representation in the given response onto instances of T.
  • Method Details

    • map

      <T> Iterable<T> map(Class<T> type, org.neo4j.ogm.response.Response<M> response)
      Maps the data representation in the given response onto instances of T.
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of the result
      type - The Class defining the type to which each entities in the response should be mapped
      response - The Response object containing the data to map onto the objects
      An Iterable of type T containing relevant data extracted from the response