Class DatabaseViewProperties

    • Constructor Detail

      • DatabaseViewProperties

        public DatabaseViewProperties()
        Default constructor
      • DatabaseViewProperties

        public DatabaseViewProperties​(DatabaseViewProperties template)
        Copy/clone constructor.
        template - object to copy
    • Method Detail

      • getFormula

        public String getFormula()
        Return the formula used to combine the values of the queries. Each query is has a identifier and the formula has placeholders for these identifiers in it to show how the query results are combined.
        String formula
      • setFormula

        public void setFormula​(String formula)
        Set up the formula used to combine the values of the queries. Each query is has a identifier and the formula has placeholders for these identifiers in it to show how the query results are combined.
        formula - String formula
      • getQueries

        public List<DatabaseQueryProperties> getQueries()
        Return the list of individual query targets for a derived column.
        list of queries and their target element
      • setQueries

        public void setQueries​(List<DatabaseQueryProperties> queries)
        Set up the list of individual query targets for a derived column.
        queries - list of queries and their target element
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object objectToCompare)
        Compare the values of the supplied object with those stored in the current object.
        equals in class SchemaElementProperties
        objectToCompare - supplied object
        boolean result of comparison