Class SchemaTypeProperties

    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaTypeProperties

        public SchemaTypeProperties()
        Default constructor
      • SchemaTypeProperties

        public SchemaTypeProperties​(SchemaTypeProperties template)
        Copy/clone Constructor.
        template - template object to copy.
    • Method Detail

      • getVersionNumber

        public String getVersionNumber()
        Return the version number of the schema element - null means no version number.
        String version number
      • setVersionNumber

        public void setVersionNumber​(String versionNumber)
        Set up the version number of the schema element - null means no version number.
        versionNumber - String version number
      • getAuthor

        public String getAuthor()
        Return the name of the author of the schema element. Null means the author is unknown.
        String author name
      • setAuthor

        public void setAuthor​(String author)
        Set up the name of the author of the schema element. Null means the author is unknown.
        author - String author name
      • getUsage

        public String getUsage()
        Return the usage guidance for this schema element. Null means no guidance available.
        String usage guidance
      • setUsage

        public void setUsage​(String usage)
        Set up the usage guidance for this schema element. Null means no guidance available.
        usage - String usage guidance
      • getEncodingStandard

        public String getEncodingStandard()
        Return the format (encoding standard) used for this schema. It may be XML, JSON, SQL DDL or something else. Null means the encoding standard is unknown or there are many choices.
        String encoding standard
      • setEncodingStandard

        public void setEncodingStandard​(String encodingStandard)
        Set up the format (encoding standard) used for this schema. It may be XML, JSON, SQL DDL or something else. Null means the encoding standard is unknown or there are many choices.
        encodingStandard - String encoding standard
      • getNamespace

        public String getNamespace()
        Return the name of the namespace that this type belongs to.
        string name
      • setNamespace

        public void setNamespace​(String namespace)
        Set up the name of the namespace that this type belongs to.
        namespace - string name
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object objectToCompare)
        Compare the values of the supplied object with those stored in the current object.
        equals in class SchemaElementProperties
        objectToCompare - supplied object
        boolean result of comparison