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Param - Annotation Type in org.omnifaces.cdi
The CDI annotation @Param allows you to inject, convert and validate a HTTP request or path parameter in a CDI managed bean.
Param - Class in org.omnifaces.component.output
The <o:param> is a component that extends the standard UIParameter to implement ValueHolder and thus support a Converter to convert the supplied value to string, if necessary.
Param() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.component.output.Param
PARAM_ENABLE_SOCKET_ENDPOINT - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.cdi.push.Socket
PARAM_NAME_CACHE_TTL - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
The context parameter name to specify cache TTL of combined resources.
PARAM_NAME_CDN_DISABLED - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CDNResourceHandler
The context parameter name to conditionally disable CDN resource handler.
PARAM_NAME_CDN_RESOURCES - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CDNResourceHandler
The context parameter name to specify CDN URLs for the given resource identifiers.
PARAM_NAME_DISABLED - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
The context parameter name to conditionally disable combined resource handler.
PARAM_NAME_EXCEPTION_TYPES_TO_IGNORE_IN_LOGGING - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.exceptionhandler.FullAjaxExceptionHandler
The context parameter name to specify exception types to ignore in logging by FullAjaxExceptionHandler.
PARAM_NAME_EXCEPTION_TYPES_TO_UNWRAP - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.exceptionhandler.FullAjaxExceptionHandler
The context parameter name to specify additional exception types to unwrap by both FullAjaxExceptionHandler and FacesExceptionFilter.
PARAM_NAME_EXCLUDED_RESOURCES - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
The context parameter name to specify resource identifiers which needs to be excluded from combining.
PARAM_NAME_INLINE_CSS - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
The context parameter name to enable rendering CSS inline instead of as resource link.
PARAM_NAME_INLINE_JS - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
The context parameter name to enable rendering JS inline instead of as resource link.
PARAM_NAME_MAX_ACTIVE_VIEW_SCOPES - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscope.ViewScopeManager
OmniFaces specific context parameter name of maximum active view scopes in session.
PARAM_NAME_MOJARRA_NUMBER_OF_VIEWS - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscope.ViewScopeManager
Mojarra specific context parameter name of maximum number of logical views in session.
PARAM_NAME_MYFACES_NUMBER_OF_VIEWS - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscope.ViewScopeManager
MyFaces specific context parameter name of maximum number of views in session.
PARAM_NAME_PASSTHROUGH_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.renderkit.Html5RenderKit
The context parameter name to specify additional passthrough attributes.
PARAM_NAME_SUPPRESSED_RESOURCES - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
The context parameter name to specify resource identifiers which needs to be suppressed and removed.
PARAM_SOCKET_ENDPOINT_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.omnifaces.cdi.push.Socket
The boolean context parameter name to register web socket endpoint during startup.
ParamExtension - Class in org.omnifaces.cdi.param
CDI extension that works around the fact that CDI insists on doing absolutely guaranteed type safe injections.
ParamExtension() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.ParamExtension
ParamHolder - Interface in org.omnifaces.component
This interface represents a (request) parameter holder which extends ValueHolder with ParamHolder.getName() method to obtain the parameter name associated with the parameter value and changes the ParamHolder.getLocalValue() method to return the original, unconverted value and changes the ParamHolder.getValue() method to return the converted value.
ParamProducer - Class in org.omnifaces.cdi.param
Producer for a request or path parameter as defined by the @Param annotation.
ParamProducer() - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.ParamProducer
ParamValue<V> - Class in org.omnifaces.cdi.param
The type that's injected via the @Param qualifier.
ParamValue(String[], Param, Type, V) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.ParamValue
parseAndAppendChildren(DocumentBuilder, Document, List<URL>) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Xml
Parse the given URLs as a document using the given builder and then append all its child nodes to the given document.
parseLocale(Object) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Utils
Parses the given object representing the locale to a Locale object.
parseRFC1123(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.util.Utils
Parses the given string in RFC1123 format to a Date object.
PathAction - Enum in org.omnifaces.facesviews
The action that is done when a request for a public path from which faces views where scanned is done.
pathIndex() - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.DynamicParamValueProducer.DefaultParamAnnotationLiteral
Platform - Class in org.omnifaces.util
This class provides access to (Java EE 6) platform services from the view point of JSF.
postConstructSession() - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscope.ViewScopeStorageInSession
Create a new LRU map of active view scopes with maximum weighted capacity depending on several context params.
PostInvokeActionEvent - Class in org.omnifaces.event
Use this event to have a hook on a listener method during the afterphase of the PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION.
PostInvokeActionEvent(UIComponent) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.event.PostInvokeActionEvent
Construct a new post invoke action event on the given component.
preDestroySession() - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscope.ViewScopeStorageInSession
This method is invoked during session destroy, in that case destroy all beans in all active view scopes.
preDestroyView() - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscope.ViewScopeManager
This method is invoked during view destroy by ViewScopeEventListener, in that case destroy all beans in current active view scope.
PreInvokeActionEvent - Class in org.omnifaces.event
Use this event to have a hook on a listener method during the beforephase of the PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION.
PreInvokeActionEvent(UIComponent) - Constructor for class org.omnifaces.event.PreInvokeActionEvent
Construct a new pre invoke action event on the given component.
prettyURL(String) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Strings
URL-prettify the given string.
printStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class org.omnifaces.el.functions.Converters
Print the stack trace of the given exception.
process(FacesContext, PhaseId) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree
Set the root node as current node and delegate the call to Tree.processTreeNode(FacesContext, PhaseId).
process(FacesContext, PhaseId) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeFamily
Process the component according to the rules of the given phase ID.
process(FacesContext, PhaseId) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeInsertChildren
Delegate processing of the tree node to Tree.processTreeNode(FacesContext, PhaseId).
process(FacesContext, PhaseId) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeNode
This method is by design only called by Tree.processTreeNode(FacesContext, PhaseId) as it maintains all the nodes.
process(FacesContext, PhaseId) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeNodeItem
Loop over children of the current model node, set the child as the current model node and continue processing this component according to the rules of the given phase ID.
processAction(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.ResetInputAjaxActionListener
Handle the reset input action as follows, only and only if the current request is an ajax request and the PartialViewContext.getRenderIds() does not return an empty collection nor is the same as PartialViewContext.getExecuteIds(): find all EditableValueHolder components based on PartialViewContext.getRenderIds() and if the component is not covered by PartialViewContext.getExecuteIds(), then invoke EditableValueHolder.resetValue() on the component.
processDecodes(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ViewParam
processDecodes(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeFamily
processDecodes(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidatorFamily
processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.push.Socket
After adding component to view, subscribe SocketFacesListener if necessary.
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.push.SocketFacesListener
If the socket has just switched the connected attribute, then render either the open() script or the close() script.
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscope.ViewScopeEventListener
If the event is an instance of PreDestroyViewMapEvent, which means that the JSF view scope is about to be destroyed, then find the current instance of ViewScopeManager and invoke its ViewScopeManager.preDestroyView() method.
processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.OutputLabel
processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.script.DeferredScript
Move this component to body using ScriptFamily.moveToBody(ComponentSystemEvent).
processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.script.OnloadScript
Move this component to body using ScriptFamily.moveToBody(ComponentSystemEvent), and if the event is a PostRestoreStateEvent, then subscribe this component to PreRenderViewEvent, which will invoke OnloadScript.processEvent(SystemEvent).
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.script.OnloadScript
If the event is a PreRenderViewEvent, and this component is rendered, and the current request is an ajax request with partial rendering, then encode the children as Ajax.oncomplete(String...).
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.util.MoveComponent
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.util.ResolveComponent
processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.util.ResolveComponent
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.BeanValidationEventListener
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.DefaultSystemEventListener
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.DefaultViewEventListener
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.eventlistener.InvokeActionEventListener
If the validation has not failed for the current faces context, then check if the UIComponent which passed the InvokeActionEventListener.isListenerForSource(Object) check has any listeners for the PreInvokeActionEvent and/or PostInvokeActionEvent events and then add them to a set in the current faces context.
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.facesviews.FacesViewsViewHandlerInstaller
processEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.resourcehandler.CombinedResourceHandler
Before rendering of a freshly created view, perform the following actions: Collect all component resources from the head.
processIgnoreValidationFailed(UICommand) - Method in class org.omnifaces.taghandler.IgnoreValidationFailed
Check if the given command component has been invoked during the current request and if so, then instruct the parent <o:form> to ignore the validation.
processListener(FacesListener) - Method in class org.omnifaces.event.FacesEventWrapper
processPartial(PhaseId) - Method in class org.omnifaces.context.OmniPartialViewContext
An override which checks if the web.xml security constraint has been triggered during this ajax request (which can happen when the session has been timed out) and if so, then perform a redirect to the originally requested page.
processSkipValidators(UIComponent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.taghandler.SkipValidators
Check if the given component has been invoked during the current request and if so, then register the skip validators event listener which removes the validators during PreValidateEvent and restores them during PostValidateEvent.
processSuper(FacesContext, PhaseId) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeFamily
Helper method to delegate the processing further to the UIComponentBase superclass which will handle all children.
processTreeNode(FacesContext, PhaseId) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree
If the current model node isn't a leaf (i.e.
processUpdates(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ComponentIdParam
processUpdates(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.Form
processUpdates(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeFamily
processUpdates(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidatorFamily
Does nothing.
processValidateBean(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.taghandler.ValidateBean
Check if the given component has participated in submitting the current form or action and if so, then perform the bean validation depending on the attributes set.
processValidators(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ComponentIdParam
processValidators(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.Form
processValidators(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.input.ViewParam
processValidators(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.tree.TreeFamily
processValidators(FacesContext) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.validator.ValidatorFamily
processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.taghandler.ValidateUniqueColumn
When this tag is not disabled, the input value is changed, the input component is valid and the input component's local value is not null, then check for a duplicate value by visiting all rows of the parent UIData component.
processViewParamValidationFailed(ComponentSystemEvent) - Method in class org.omnifaces.taghandler.ViewParamValidationFailed
If the current request is not a postback and the current response is not already completed, and validation on the parent component has failed (for UIViewRoot this is checked by FacesContext.isValidationFailed() and for UIViewParameter this is checked by UIInput.isValid()), then send either a redirect or error depending on the tag attributes set.
produce(InjectionPoint) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.contextparam.ContextParamProducer
produce(InjectionPoint) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.cookie.RequestCookieProducer
produce(InjectionPoint) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.param.ParamProducer
produce(InjectionPoint) - Method in class org.omnifaces.cdi.push.SocketPushContextProducer
Push - Annotation Type in org.omnifaces.cdi
The CDI annotation @Push allows you to inject a PushContext associated with a given channel in any container managed artifact in WAR (not in EAR/EJB!).
PushContext - Interface in org.omnifaces.cdi
CDI interface to send a message object to the push socket channel as identified by @Push.
put(String, String) - Method in interface org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.Cache
Stores a value in the cache
put(String, String, int) - Method in interface org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.Cache
Stores a value in the cache
put(String, String) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.TimeToLiveCache
put(String, String, int) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.TimeToLiveCache
put(K, V) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
put(K, V) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.MapWrapper
put(Serializable, T) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.State
Puts a value in the component's state and returns the previous value.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.MapWrapper
putAttribute(String, String, Object, int) - Method in interface org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.Cache
Stores a named attribute in the cache entry identified by the key parameter.
putAttribute(String, String, Object, int) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.TimeToLiveCache
putContext(Class, Object) - Method in class org.omnifaces.el.ELContextWrapper
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class org.omnifaces.util.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap
putObject(String, Object, int) - Method in interface org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.Cache
Stores a value in the cache
putObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class org.omnifaces.component.output.cache.TimeToLiveCache
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