Class Tree

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    NamingContainer, PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, TransientStateHolder, ComponentSystemEventListener, FacesListener, SystemEventListenerHolder, EventListener

    public class Tree
    extends TreeFamily
    implements NamingContainer

    The <o:tree> allows the developers to have full control over the markup of a tree hierarchy by declaring the appropriate JSF components or HTML elements in the markup. The <o:tree> does namely not render any HTML markup by itself.

    The component value must point to a tree of data objects represented by a TreeModel instance, typically established via a ValueExpression. During iterative processing over the nodes of tree in the tree model, the object for the current node is exposed as a request attribute under the key specified by the var attribute. The node itself is exposed as a request attribute under the key specified by the varNode attribute.

    The <o:tree> tag supports only child tags of type <o:treeNode>, representing parent tree nodes. There can be multiple <o:treeNode> tags, each representing a separate parent tree node level, so that different markup could be declared for each tree node level, if necessary. The <o:treeNode> tag in turn supports child tag <o:treeNodeItem> which represents each child of the current parent tree node. The <o:treeNodeItem> in turn supports child tag <o:treeInsertChildren> which represents the insertion point of the grand children.

    Here is a basic usage example where each parent tree node level is treated the same way via a single <o:treeNode>:

     <o:tree value="#{bean.treeModel}" var="item" varNode="node">
                         #{node.index} #{item.someProperty}
                         <o:treeInsertChildren />


    The <o:treeNode> represents the parent tree node. Within this component, the var attribute of the <o:tree> will expose the parent tree node. Each of its children is processed by <o:treeNodeItem> on which the var attribute of the <o:tree> in turn exposes each child of the parent tree node.

    The optional level attribute can be used to specify for which tree node level as obtained by TreeModel.getLevel() the <o:treeNode> should be rendered. The root tree node has level 0. If the level attribute is unspecified, then the <o:treeNode> will be rendered for any tree node level which hasn't already a <o:treeNode level="x"> specified.


    The <o:treeNodeItem> represents the child item of the parent tree note as represented by <o:treeNode>. Within this component, the var attribute of the parent <o:tree> component will expose the child tree node.

    Within <o:treeNodeItem> you can use <o:treeInsertChildren> to declare the place where to recursively render the <o:treeNode> whereby the current child item is in turn interpreted as a parent tree node (i.e. where you'd like to insert the grand-children).


    The <o:treeInsertChildren> represents the insertion point for the grand children. This is in turn further interpreted as <o:treeNode>.

    Bauke Scholtz
    See Also:
    TreeNode, TreeNodeItem, TreeInsertChildren, TreeFamily, TreeModel, AbstractTreeModel, ListTreeModel, SortedTreeModel
    • Field Detail


        public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE
        The component type, which is "org.omnifaces.component.tree.Tree".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Tree

        public Tree()
    • Method Detail

      • setValueExpression

        public void setValueExpression​(String name,
                                       ValueExpression binding)
        An override which checks if this isn't been invoked on var or varNode attribute. Finally it delegates to the super method.
        setValueExpression in class UIComponent
        IllegalArgumentException - When this value expression is been set on var or varNode attribute.
      • queueEvent

        public void queueEvent​(FacesEvent event)
        An override which wraps the given faces event in a specific faces event which remembers the current model node.
        queueEvent in class UIComponentBase
      • broadcast

        public void broadcast​(FacesEvent event)
        If the given event is an instance of the specific faces event which was created during our queueEvent(FacesEvent), then extract the node from it and set it as current node and delegate the call to the wrapped faces event.
        broadcast in class UIComponentBase
      • setCurrentModelNode

        protected void setCurrentModelNode​(FacesContext context,
                                           TreeModel currentModelNode)
        Sets the current node of the tree model. Its wrapped data will be set as request attribute associated with the var attribute, if any. The node itself will also be set as request attribute associated with the varNode attribute, if any.
        context - The faces context to work with.
        currentModelNode - The current node of the tree model.
      • getCurrentModelNode

        protected TreeModel getCurrentModelNode()
        Returns the current node of the tree model.
        The current node of the tree model.
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Returns the tree model.
        The tree model
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(Object value)
        Sets the tree model.
        value - The tree model.
      • getVar

        public String getVar()
        Returns the name of the request attribute which exposes the wrapped data of the current node of the tree model.
        The name of the request attribute which exposes the wrapped data of the current node of the tree model.
      • setVar

        public void setVar​(String var)
        Sets the name of the request attribute which exposes the wrapped data of the current node of the tree model.
        var - The name of the request attribute which exposes the wrapped data of the current node of the tree model.
      • getVarNode

        public String getVarNode()
        Returns the name of the request attribute which exposes the current node of the tree model.
        The name of the request attribute which exposes the current node of the tree model.
      • setVarNode

        public void setVarNode​(String varNode)
        Sets the name of the request attribute which exposes the current node of the tree model.
        varNode - The name of the request attribute which exposes the current node of the tree model.