Class CmsJspStandardContextBean

  • public final class CmsJspStandardContextBean
    extends java.lang.Object
    Allows convenient access to the most important OpenCms functions on a JSP page, indented to be used from a JSP with the JSTL or EL.

    This bean is available by default in the context of an OpenCms managed JSP.

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static CmsJspStandardContextBean getInstance​(javax.servlet.ServletRequest req)
        Creates a new instance of the standard JSP context bean.

        To prevent multiple creations of the bean during a request, the OpenCms request context attributes are used to cache the created VFS access utility bean.

        req - the current servlet request
        a new instance of the standard JSP context bean
      • elementCachingHash

        public java.lang.String elementCachingHash()
        Returns a caching hash specific to the element, it's properties and the current container width.

        the caching hash
      • getAvailableLocales

        public java.util.List<java.util.Locale> getAvailableLocales()
        Returns the locales available for the currently requested URI.
        the locales available for the currently requested URI.
      • getBean

        public java.lang.Object getBean​(java.lang.String className)
        Helper for easy instantiation and initialization of custom context beans that returns an instance of the class specified via className, with the current context already set.
        className - name of the class to instantiate. Must be a subclass of A_CmsJspCustomContextBean.
        an instance of the provided class with the current context already set.
      • getContainer

        public CmsContainerBean getContainer()
        Returns the container the currently rendered element is part of.

        the currently the currently rendered element is part of
      • getDetailContent

        public CmsJspResourceWrapper getDetailContent()
        Returns the current detail content, or null if no detail content is requested.

        the current detail content, or null if no detail content is requested.

      • getDetailContentId

        public CmsUUID getDetailContentId()
        Returns the structure id of the current detail content, or null if no detail content is requested.

        the structure id of the current detail content, or null if no detail content is requested.

      • getDetailContentSitePath

        public java.lang.String getDetailContentSitePath()
        Returns the detail content site path, or null if not available.

        the detail content site path
      • getElementBeansInContainers

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<CmsJspStandardContextBean.CmsContainerElementWrapper>> getElementBeansInContainers()
        Returns a lazy initialized map of wrapped container elements beans by container name suffix.

        So in case there is more than one container where the name end with the given suffix, a joined list of container elements beans is returned.

        a lazy initialized map of wrapped container elements beans by container name suffix
        See Also:
      • getElementsInContainer

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<CmsJspResourceWrapper>> getElementsInContainer()
        Returns a lazy initialized map of wrapped element resources by container name.

        the lazy map of element resource wrappers
      • getElementsInContainers

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<CmsJspResourceWrapper>> getElementsInContainers()
        Returns a lazy initialized map of wrapped element resources by container name suffix.

        So in case there is more than one container where the name end with the given suffix, a joined list of elements is returned.

        the lazy map of element resource wrappers
        See Also:
      • getEnableReload

        public java.lang.String getEnableReload()
        Alternative method name for getReloadMarker().
        the reload marker
        See Also:
      • getFunction

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsDynamicFunctionBeanWrappergetFunction()
        Returns a lazy initialized Map which allows access to the dynamic function beans using the JSP EL.

        When given a key, the returned map will look up the corresponding dynamic function bean in the module configuration.

        a lazy initialized Map which allows access to the dynamic function beans using the JSP EL
      • getFunctionDetail

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getFunctionDetail()
        Deprecated method to access function detail pages using the EL.

        a lazy initialized Map that provides the detail page link as a value when given the name of a (named) dynamic function as a key
      • getFunctionDetailPage

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getFunctionDetailPage()
        Returns a lazy initialized Map that provides the detail page link as a value when given the name of a (named) dynamic function as a key.

        The provided Map key is assumed to be a String that represents a named dynamic function.

        Usage example on a JSP with the JSTL:

         <a href=${cms.functionDetailPage['search']} />
        a lazy initialized Map that provides the detail page link as a value when given the name of a (named) dynamic function as a key
        See Also:
      • getIsEditMode

        public boolean getIsEditMode()
        Checks if the current request should be direct edit enabled. Online-, history-requests, previews and temporary files will not be editable.

        true if the current request should be direct edit enabled
      • getIsJSONRequest

        public boolean getIsJSONRequest()
        Returns true if the current request is a JSON request.

        true if we are in a JSON request
      • getIsOnlineProject

        public boolean getIsOnlineProject()
        Returns if the current project is the online project.

        true if the current project is the online project
      • getLocale

        public java.util.Locale getLocale()
        Returns the current locale.

        the current locale
      • getLocaleResource

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsJspResourceWrappergetLocaleResource()
        Gets a map providing access to the locale variants of the current page.

        Note that all available locales for the site / subsite are used as keys, not just the ones for which a locale variant actually exists. Usage in JSPs: ${cms.localeResource['de']]

        the map from locale strings to locale variant resources
      • getMainLocale

        public java.util.Locale getMainLocale()
        Gets the main locale for the current page's locale group.

        the main locale for the current page's locale group
      • getMeta

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getMeta()
        Returns the meta mappings map.

        the meta mappings
      • getPage

        public CmsContainerPageBean getPage()
        Returns the currently displayed container page.

        the currently displayed container page
      • getPage

        public CmsContainerPageBean getPage​(java.lang.Object page,
                                            java.lang.Object locale)
        Returns the container page bean for the give page and locale.

        page - the container page resource as id, path or already as resource
        locale - the content locale as locale or string
        the container page bean
      • getParentContainers

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsContainerBeangetParentContainers()
        Returns the instance id parent container mapping.

        the instance id parent container mapping
      • getPreviewFormatter

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getPreviewFormatter()
        JSP EL accessor method for retrieving the preview formatters.

        a lazy map for accessing preview formatters
      • getReadCategory

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​CmsCategorygetReadCategory()
        Transforms the category path of a category to the category.
        a map from root or site path to category.
      • getReadPathCategories

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<CmsCategory>> getReadPathCategories()
        Transforms the category path to the list of all categories on that path.

        Example: For path "location/europe/" the list [getReadCategory.get("location/"),getReadCategory.get("location/europe/")] is returned.

        a map from a category path to list of categories on that path.
      • getReloadMarker

        public java.lang.String getReloadMarker()
        Returns a HTML comment string that will cause the container page editor to reload the page if the element or its settings were edited.

        the reload marker
      • getSite

        public CmsSite getSite()
        Returns the current site.

        the current site
      • getSubSitePath

        public java.lang.String getSubSitePath()
        Returns the subsite path for the currently requested URI.

        the subsite path
      • getTitle

        public java.lang.String getTitle()
        Returns the title of a page delivered from OpenCms, usually used for the <title> tag of a HTML page.

        If no title information has been found, the empty String "" is returned.

        the title of the current page
      • getTitleLocale

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getTitleLocale()
        Get the title and read the Title property according the provided locale.
        The map from locales to the locale specific titles.
      • getTypeDetailPage

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getTypeDetailPage()
        Returns a lazy initialized Map that provides the detail page link as a value when given the name of a resource type as a key.

        The provided Map key is assumed to be the name of a resource type that has a detail page configured.

        Usage example on a JSP with the JSTL:

         <a href=${cms.typeDetailPage['bs-blog']} />
        a lazy initialized Map that provides the detail page link as a value when given the name of a resource type as a key
        See Also:
      • getVfs

        public CmsJspVfsAccessBean getVfs()
        Returns an initialized VFS access bean.

        an initialized VFS access bean
      • getWorkplaceLocale

        public java.util.Locale getWorkplaceLocale()
        Returns the workplace locale from the current user's settings.

        returns the workplace locale from the current user's settings
      • getWrap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,​java.lang.Object> getWrap()
        Returns an EL access wrapper map for the given object.

        If the object is a CmsResource, then a CmsJspResourceWrapper is returned. Otherwise the object is wrapped in a CmsJspObjectValueWrapper.

        If the object is already is a wrapper, it is returned unchanged.

        an EL access wrapper map for the given object
      • initPage

        public void initPage()
                      throws CmsException
        Initializes the requested container page.

        CmsException - in case reading the requested resource fails
      • isDetailRequest

        public boolean isDetailRequest()
        Returns true if this is a request to a detail resource, false otherwise.

        Same as to check if getDetailContent() is null.

        true if this is a request to a detail resource, false otherwise
      • isDragMode

        public boolean isDragMode()
        Returns if the page is in drag mode.

        if the page is in drag mode
      • isEdited

        public boolean isEdited()
        Returns the flag to indicate if in drag and drop mode.

        true if in drag and drop mode
      • isModelGroupElement

        public boolean isModelGroupElement()
        Returns if the current element is a model group.

        true if the current element is a model group
      • isModelGroupPage

        public boolean isModelGroupPage()
        Returns if the current page is used to manage model groups.

        true if the current page is used to manage model groups
      • setContainer

        public void setContainer​(CmsContainerBean container)
        Sets the container the currently rendered element is part of.

        container - the container the currently rendered element is part of
      • setDragMode

        public void setDragMode​(boolean isDragMode)
        Sets if the page is in drag mode.

        isDragMode - if the page is in drag mode
      • setEdited

        public void setEdited​(boolean edited)
        Sets the flag to indicate if in drag and drop mode.

        edited - true if in drag and drop mode
      • setElement

        public void setElement​(CmsContainerElementBean element)
        Sets the currently rendered element.

        element - the currently rendered element to set
      • setPage

        public void setPage​(CmsContainerPageBean page)
        Sets the currently displayed container page.

        page - the currently displayed container page to set
      • updateCmsObject

        public void updateCmsObject​(CmsObject cms)
        Updates the internally stored OpenCms user context.

        cms - the new OpenCms user context
      • updateRequestData

        public void updateRequestData​(CmsFlexRequest cmsFlexRequest)
        Updates the standard context bean from the request.

        cmsFlexRequest - the request from which to update the data
      • getLocaleSpecificTitle

        protected java.lang.String getLocaleSpecificTitle​(java.util.Locale locale)
        Returns the title according to the given locale.
        locale - the locale for which the title should be read.
        the title according to the given locale
      • readDynamicFunctionBean

        protected CmsDynamicFunctionBean readDynamicFunctionBean​(java.lang.String configuredName)
                                                          throws CmsException
        Reads a dynamic function bean, given its name in the module configuration.

        configuredName - the name of the dynamic function in the module configuration
        the dynamic function bean for the dynamic function configured under that name
        CmsException - if something goes wrong