Class AbstractClientConnection<T extends BackendInfo>

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ConnectedClientConnection, ConnectingClientConnection, ReconnectingClientConnection

    public abstract class AbstractClientConnection<T extends BackendInfo>
    extends Object
    Base class for a connection to the backend. Responsible to queueing and dispatch of requests toward the backend. Can be in three conceptual states: Connecting, Connected and Reconnecting, which are represented by public final classes exposed from this package. This class NOT thread-safe, not are its subclasses expected to be thread-safe.
    Robert Varga
    • Field Detail


        public static final long DEFAULT_BACKEND_ALIVE_TIMEOUT_NANOS
        Backend aliveness timer. This is reset whenever we receive a response from the backend and kept armed whenever we have an outstanding request. If when this time expires, we tear down this connection and attempt to reconnect it.

        public static final long DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_NANOS
        Request timeout. If the request fails to complete within this time since it was originally enqueued, we time the request out.

        public static final long DEFAULT_NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT_NANOS
        No progress timeout. A client fails to make any forward progress in this time, it will terminate itself.
    • Method Detail

      • cookie

        public final @NonNull Long cookie()
      • localActor

        public final ActorRef localActor()
      • currentTime

        public final long currentTime()
      • sendRequest

        public final void sendRequest​(Request<?,​?> request,
                                      Consumer<Response<?,​?>> callback)
        Send a request to the backend and invoke a specified callback when it finishes. This method is safe to invoke from any thread.

        This method may put the caller thread to sleep in order to throttle the request rate. The callback may be called before the sleep finishes.

        request - Request to send
        callback - Callback to invoke
      • enqueueRequest

        public final void enqueueRequest​(Request<?,​?> request,
                                         Consumer<Response<?,​?>> callback,
                                         long enqueuedTicks)
        Send a request to the backend and invoke a specified callback when it finishes. This method is safe to invoke from any thread.

        Note that unlike sendRequest(Request, Consumer), this method does not exert backpressure, hence it should never be called from an application thread.

        request - Request to send
        callback - Callback to invoke
        enqueuedTicks - Time (according to currentTime() of request enqueue
      • enqueueEntry

        public final void enqueueEntry​(ConnectionEntry entry,
                                       long now)
        Enqueue an entry, possibly also transmitting it.
      • getBackendInfo

        public abstract Optional<T> getBackendInfo()