Interface NodeUpdated

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Augmentable<NodeUpdated>, BaseNotification, BindingObject, DataContainer, DataObject, Node, Notification

    public interface NodeUpdated
    extends DataObject, Augmentable<NodeUpdated>, Node, Notification
    A notification sent by someone who realized there was a modification to a node, but did not modify the data tree. Describes that something on the node has been updated (including addition of a new node), but is for whatever reason is not modifying the data tree. Deprecated: If a process determines that a node was updated, then that logic should update the node using the DataBroker directly. Listeners interested update changes should register a data change listener for notifications on removals.

    This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module opendaylight-inventory

     notification node-updated {
       status deprecated;
       leaf node-ref {
         ext:context-reference node-context;
         type node-ref;
       uses node;
    The schema path to identify an instance is opendaylight-inventory/node-updated

    To create instances of this class use NodeUpdatedBuilder.

    See Also: