Interface NodeConnectorRemoved

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Augmentable<NodeConnectorRemoved>, BaseNotification, BindingObject, DataContainer, DataObject, Notification

    public interface NodeConnectorRemoved
    extends DataObject, Augmentable<NodeConnectorRemoved>, Notification
    A notification sent by someone who realized there was a node-connector was removed, but did not modify the data tree. Describes that a node-connector has been removed but is for whatever reason is not modifying the data tree. Deprecated: If a process determines that a node-connector was removed, then logic should remove the node-connector from the DataBroker directly. Listeners interested in changes should register a data change listener for notifications on removals.

    This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module UnqualifiedQName{localName=opendaylight-inventory}

     notification node-connector-removed {
       status deprecated;
       leaf node-connector-ref {
         ext:context-reference node-connector-context;
         type node-connector-ref;
    The schema path to identify an instance is opendaylight-inventory/node-connector-removed

    To create instances of this class use NodeConnectorRemovedBuilder.

    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • QNAME

        static final @NonNull QName QNAME
    • Method Detail

      • bindingHashCode

        static int bindingHashCode​(@NonNull NodeConnectorRemoved obj)
        Default implementation of Object.hashCode() contract for this interface. Implementations of this interface are encouraged to defer to this method to get consistent hashing results across all implementations.
        obj - Object for which to generate hashCode() result.
        Hash code value of data modeled by this interface.
        NullPointerException - if obj is null
      • bindingEquals

        static boolean bindingEquals​(@NonNull NodeConnectorRemoved thisObj,
                                     Object obj)
        Default implementation of Object.equals(Object) contract for this interface. Implementations of this interface are encouraged to defer to this method to get consistent equality results across all implementations.
        thisObj - Object acting as the receiver of equals invocation
        obj - Object acting as argument to equals invocation
        True if thisObj and obj are considered equal
        NullPointerException - if thisObj is null
      • bindingToString

        static String bindingToString​(@NonNull NodeConnectorRemoved obj)
        Default implementation of Object.toString() contract for this interface. Implementations of this interface are encouraged to defer to this method to get consistent string representations across all implementations.
        obj - Object for which to generate toString() result.
        String value of data modeled by this interface.
        NullPointerException - if obj is null
      • getNodeConnectorRef

        @Nullable NodeConnectorRef getNodeConnectorRef()
        Return nodeConnectorRef, or null if it is not present..
                 A reference to the node-connector that was removed.
        org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.inventory.rev130819.NodeConnectorRef nodeConnectorRef, or null if it is not present.