Enum BgpSafi

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • UnicastSafi

        public static final BgpSafi UnicastSafi
        Unicast SAFI.
      • MulticastSafi

        public static final BgpSafi MulticastSafi
        Multicast SAFI.
      • LabeledUnicastSafi

        public static final BgpSafi LabeledUnicastSafi
        Labeled Unicast SAFI.
      • MulticastVpnSafi

        public static final BgpSafi MulticastVpnSafi
        Multicast VPN SAFI.
      • PseudowireSafi

        public static final BgpSafi PseudowireSafi
        Multi-segment Pseudowire VPN SAFI.
      • TunnelEncapSafi

        public static final BgpSafi TunnelEncapSafi
        Tunnel Encap SAFI.
      • McastVplsSafi

        public static final BgpSafi McastVplsSafi
        Multicast Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) SAFI.
      • TunnelSafi

        public static final BgpSafi TunnelSafi
        Tunnel SAFI.
      • VplsSafi

        public static final BgpSafi VplsSafi
        VPLS SAFI.
      • MdtSafi

        public static final BgpSafi MdtSafi
        Multicast Distribution Tree (MDT) SAFI.
      • V4OverV6Safi

        public static final BgpSafi V4OverV6Safi
        IPv4 over IPv6 SAFI.
      • V6OverV4Safi

        public static final BgpSafi V6OverV4Safi
        IPv6 over IPv4 SAFI.
      • L1VpnAutoDiscoverySafi

        public static final BgpSafi L1VpnAutoDiscoverySafi
        Layer 1 VPN Auto-Discovery SAFI.
      • EvpnSafi

        public static final BgpSafi EvpnSafi
        Ethernet VPN (EVPN) SAFI.
      • BgpLsSafi

        public static final BgpSafi BgpLsSafi
        BGP-LS SAFI.
      • BgpLsVpnSafi

        public static final BgpSafi BgpLsVpnSafi
        BGP-LS VPN SAFI.
      • SrTeSafi

        public static final BgpSafi SrTeSafi
        Segment Routing - Traffic Engineering (SR-TE) SAFI.
      • LabeledVpnSafi

        public static final BgpSafi LabeledVpnSafi
        MPLS Labeled VPN SAFI.
      • MulticastMplsVpnSafi

        public static final BgpSafi MulticastMplsVpnSafi
        Multicast for BGP/MPLS IP VPN SAFI.
      • RouteTargetSafi

        public static final BgpSafi RouteTargetSafi
        Route Target SAFI.
      • Ipv4FlowSpecSafi

        public static final BgpSafi Ipv4FlowSpecSafi
        IPv4 Flow Specification SAFI.
      • Vpnv4FlowSpecSafi

        public static final BgpSafi Vpnv4FlowSpecSafi
        IPv4 VPN Flow Specification SAFI.
      • VpnAutoDiscoverySafi

        public static final BgpSafi VpnAutoDiscoverySafi
        VPN Auto-Discovery SAFI.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static BgpSafi[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (BgpSafi c : BgpSafi.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static BgpSafi valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: Enumeration
        Returns the assigned name of the enumeration item as it is specified in the input YANG.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Enumeration
        the assigned name of the enumeration item as it is specified in the input YANG.
      • getIntValue

        public int getIntValue()
        Description copied from interface: Enumeration
        Returns the assigned value of the enumeration item as it is specified in the input YANG.
        Specified by:
        getIntValue in interface Enumeration
        the assigned value of the enumeration item as it is specified in the input YANG.
      • forName

        public static Optional<BgpSafi> forName​(String name)
        Return the enumeration member whose getName() matches specified value.
        name - YANG assigned name
        corresponding BgpSafi item, if present
        NullPointerException - if name is null
      • forValue

        public static BgpSafi forValue​(int intValue)
        Return the enumeration member whose getIntValue() matches specified value.
        intValue - integer value
        corresponding BgpSafi item, or null if no such item exists