Interface PostCanCommitStep

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface PostCanCommitStep
    extends ThreePhaseCommitStep
    User implementation of steps following can-commit in three phase protocol. If no additional visibility into transaction and data being aborted or committed is needed, use NOOP implementation.
    • Field Detail

      • NOOP

        static final PostCanCommitStep NOOP
        No-op implementation of abort, pre-commit and commit steps. This implementation should be used if user logic does only validation of data and does not need to perform any actions associated with pre-commit, commit or abort.
    • Method Detail

      • preCommit

        @NonNull ListenableFuture<? extends PostPreCommitStep> preCommit()
        Initiates a pre-commit of associated request Implementation MUST NOT do any blocking calls during this callback, all pre-commit preparation SHOULD happen asynchronously and MUST result in completing returned future object.
        Future which is completed once pre-commit phase for this request is finished.