Interface PerformanceMetricsOneWayDelayLoss

  • All Superinterfaces:
    BindingObject, DataContainer, DataObject
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface PerformanceMetricsOneWayDelayLoss
    extends DataObject
    Performance Metrics (PM) information in real time that can be applicable to links or connections. PM defined in this grouping are applicable to generic TE PM as well as packet TE PM.

    This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module ietf-te-types

     grouping performance-metrics-one-way-delay-loss {
       leaf one-way-delay {
         type uint32 {
           range 0..16777215;
       leaf one-way-delay-normality {
         type te-types:performance-metrics-normality;
    The schema path to identify an instance is ietf-te-types/performance-metrics-one-way-delay-loss
    • Field Detail

      • QNAME

        static final @NonNull QName QNAME
    • Method Detail

      • getOneWayDelay

        Uint32 getOneWayDelay()
        Return oneWayDelay, or null if it is not present.
                 One-way delay or latency in microseconds.
        Uint32 oneWayDelay, or null if it is not present.
      • requireOneWayDelay

        default @NonNull Uint32 requireOneWayDelay()
        Return oneWayDelay, guaranteed to be non-null.
                 One-way delay or latency in microseconds.
        Uint32 oneWayDelay, guaranteed to be non-null.
        NoSuchElementException - if oneWayDelay is not present
      • getOneWayDelayNormality

        PerformanceMetricsNormality getOneWayDelayNormality()
        Return oneWayDelayNormality, or null if it is not present.
                 One-way delay normality.
        PerformanceMetricsNormality oneWayDelayNormality, or null if it is not present.
      • requireOneWayDelayNormality

        default @NonNull PerformanceMetricsNormality requireOneWayDelayNormality()
        Return oneWayDelayNormality, guaranteed to be non-null.
                 One-way delay normality.
        PerformanceMetricsNormality oneWayDelayNormality, guaranteed to be non-null.
        NoSuchElementException - if oneWayDelayNormality is not present