Interface LinkAttributes

  • All Superinterfaces:
    BindingObject, DataContainer, DataObject
    All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface LinkAttributes
    extends DataObject

    This class represents the following YANG schema fragment defined in module network-topology

     grouping link-attributes {
       leaf link-id {
         type link-id;
       container source {
         leaf source-node {
           type node-ref;
         leaf source-tp {
           type tp-ref;
       container destination {
         leaf dest-node {
           type node-ref;
         leaf dest-tp {
           type tp-ref;
       list supporting-link {
         key link-ref;
         leaf link-ref {
           type link-ref;
    The schema path to identify an instance is network-topology/link-attributes
    • Field Detail

      • QNAME

        static final @NonNull QName QNAME
    • Method Detail

      • getLinkId

        LinkId getLinkId()
        Return linkId, or null if it is not present.
                 The identifier of a link in the topology. A link is specific to a topology to
                 which it belongs.
        LinkId linkId, or null if it is not present.
      • requireLinkId

        default @NonNull LinkId requireLinkId()
        Return linkId, guaranteed to be non-null.
                 The identifier of a link in the topology. A link is specific to a topology to
                 which it belongs.
        LinkId linkId, guaranteed to be non-null.
        NoSuchElementException - if linkId is not present
      • getSource

        Source getSource()
        Return source, or null if it is not present.
        Source source, or null if it is not present.
      • getDestination

        Destination getDestination()
        Return destination, or null if it is not present.
        Destination destination, or null if it is not present.
      • getSupportingLink

        @Nullable Map<SupportingLinkKey,​SupportingLink> getSupportingLink()
        Return supportingLink, or null if it is not present.
        Map<SupportingLinkKey, SupportingLink> supportingLink, or null if it is not present.
      • nonnullSupportingLink

        default @NonNull Map<SupportingLinkKey,​SupportingLink> nonnullSupportingLink()
        Return supportingLink, or an empty list if it is not present.
        Map<SupportingLinkKey, SupportingLink> supportingLink, or an empty list if it is not present.