Interface YangModuleInfo

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Immutable, MutationBehaviour<Immutable>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface YangModuleInfo
    extends Immutable
    Information and model capture for Binding V1. Instances of this class identify a packaged model and allow access to its YANG text. They also contain references to YangModuleInfo instances as observed at code generation time.

    The purpose of this class is to ensure package resolution order in OSGi environments, as implementations of this interface are required to be co-located with generated code. When this module relies on some imports, that dependency is expressed across jars via an implementation requirement to reference YangModuleInfos.

    • Method Detail

      • openYangTextStream

        InputStream openYangTextStream()
                                throws IOException
        Return an open stream containing YANG text for this module. The stream is required to be UTF-8 encoded.
        An open stream.
        IOException - If the stream cannot be opened.
      • getImportedModules

        default Collection<YangModuleInfo> getImportedModules()
        Return YangModuleInfo objects for all modules which are imported by this module. Default implementation returns an empty list.
        YangModuleInfo objects of all imported modules.
      • getYangTextByteSource

        default ByteSource getYangTextByteSource()
        Return a ByteSource accessing the YANG text of the module.
        A ByteSource.
      • getYangTextCharSource

        default CharSource getYangTextCharSource()
        Return a CharSource accessing the YANG text of the module.
        A CharSource.