Class LeafRefPath

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Immutable, org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.MutationBehaviour<org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Immutable>

    public abstract class LeafRefPath
    extends Object
    implements org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.Immutable
    • Field Detail

      • ROOT

        public static final LeafRefPath ROOT
        Shared instance of the conceptual root schema node.
      • SAME

        public static final LeafRefPath SAME
        Shared instance of the "same" relative schema node.
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static LeafRefPath create​(Iterable<QNameWithPredicate> path,
                                         boolean absolute)
        Constructs new instance of this class with the concrete path.
        path - list of QNameWithPredicate instances which specifies exact path to the module node
        absolute - boolean value which specifies if the path is absolute or relative
        A LeafRefPath instance.
      • create

        public static LeafRefPath create​(boolean absolute,
                                         QNameWithPredicate... path)
        Constructs new instance of this class with the concrete path.
        absolute - boolean value which specifies if the path is absolute or relative
        path - one or more QNameWithPredicate instances which specifies exact path to the module node
        A LeafRefPath instance.
      • createInstance

        protected abstract LeafRefPath createInstance​(LeafRefPath newParent,
                                                      QNameWithPredicate newQname)
        Create a new instance.
        newParent - Parent LeafRefPath
        newQname - next path element
        A new LeafRefPath instance
      • createChild

        public LeafRefPath createChild​(Iterable<QNameWithPredicate> relative)
        Create a child path based on concatenation of this path and a relative path.
        relative - Relative path
        A new child path
      • createChild

        public LeafRefPath createChild​(LeafRefPath relative)
        Create a child path based on concatenation of this path and a relative path.
        relative - Relative LeafRefPath
        A new child path
      • createChild

        public LeafRefPath createChild​(QNameWithPredicate... elements)
        Create a child path based on concatenation of this path and additional path elements.
        elements - Relative LeafRefPath elements
        A new child path
      • getPathFromRoot

        public Iterable<QNameWithPredicate> getPathFromRoot()
        Returns the list of nodes which need to be traversed to get from the starting point (root for absolute LeafRefPaths) to the node represented by this object.
        list of qname instances which represents path from the root to the schema node.
      • getPathTowardsRoot

        public Iterable<QNameWithPredicate> getPathTowardsRoot()
        Returns the list of nodes which need to be traversed to get from this node to the starting point (root for absolute LeafRefPaths).
        list of qname instances which represents path from the schema node towards the root.
      • getParent

        public LeafRefPath getParent()
        Returns the immediate parent LeafRefPath.
        Parent path, null if this LeafRefPath is already toplevel.
      • getLastComponent

        public final QNameWithPredicate getLastComponent()
        Get the last component of this path.
        The last component of this path.
      • isAbsolute

        public abstract boolean isAbsolute()
        Describes whether schema path is|isn't absolute.
        boolean value which is true if schema path is absolute.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object