Interface AnydataSchemaNode

All Superinterfaces:
AddedByUsesAware, CopyableNode, DataSchemaNode, DocumentedNode, DocumentedNode.WithStatus, EffectiveStatementEquivalent<AnydataEffectiveStatement>, MandatoryAware, MustConstraintAware, SchemaNode, WhenConditionAware
All Known Implementing Classes:
EmptyAnydataEffectiveStatement, RegularAnydataEffectiveStatement

The "anydata" statement defines an interior node in the schema tree. It takes one argument, which is an identifier, followed by a block of substatements that holds detailed anydata information.

The "anydata" statement is used to represent an unknown set of nodes that can be modeled with YANG, except anyxml, but for which the data model is not known at module design time. It is possible, though not required, for the data model for anydata content to become known through protocol signaling or other means that are outside the scope of this document.

  • Method Details

    • getDataSchema

      Optional<ContainerSchemaNode> getDataSchema()
      Schema of data.
      schema of contained data or empty if it is not provided