Interface ConstraintMetaDefinition

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
EffectiveStatementMixins.ConstraintMetaDefinitionMixin<A,D>, LengthConstraint, LengthEffectiveStatement, MustDefinition, PatternConstraint, PatternEffectiveStatement, RangeConstraint<T>, RangeEffectiveStatement
All Known Implementing Classes:
EmptyLengthEffectiveStatement, EmptyMustEffectiveStatement, EmptyPatternEffectiveStatement, EmptyRangeEffectiveStatement, RegularLengthEffectiveStatement, RegularMustEffectiveStatement, RegularPatternEffectiveStatement, RegularRangeEffectiveStatement

public interface ConstraintMetaDefinition extends DocumentedNode
Contains methods which retrieve values for description, error message, error app tag and reference (to some external definition, resource or similar).
  • Method Details

    • getErrorAppTag

      Optional<String> getErrorAppTag()
      Returns the value of the argument of YANG error-app-tag keyword.
      string with the application tag, or empty if it was not provided.
    • getErrorMessage

      Optional<String> getErrorMessage()
      Returns the value of the argument of YANG error-message keyword.
      string with the error message, or empty if it was not provided.