Class YangQNameExpr

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Immutable, QNameReferent, YangExpr
Direct Known Subclasses:
YangQNameExpr.Resolved, YangQNameExpr.Unresolved

public abstract sealed class YangQNameExpr extends Object implements YangExpr, QNameReferent permits YangQNameExpr.Unresolved, YangQNameExpr.Resolved
An XPath QName expression. This is an exact QName, which cannot be converted to a string literal compatible with XPath string representation, because it does not define a prefix/namespace mapping. It represents a strong binding to a particular namespace at a particular revision.

Parsers and users of this package are encouraged to use this class in place of YangLiteralExpr where appropriate, as it retains type safety and more semantic context.

See Also: