Interface CanonicalValue<T extends CanonicalValue<T>>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - Canonical value type
    All Superinterfaces:
    Comparable<T>, Immutable, MutationBehaviour<Immutable>, Serializable
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    CachingDerivedString, Decimal64, DerivedString, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64, Uint8

    public interface CanonicalValue<T extends CanonicalValue<T>>
    extends Comparable<T>, Immutable, Serializable
    A typed value in its internal Java representation. Implementations of this interface are required to:
    • be immutable
    • be Serializable
    • accurately define total ordering of values

    Aside from providing the ability to hold a canonical value, this interface and its implementations support carrying additional information about how the value has been validated -- allowing efficient interchange of already-validated values between users. validator() provides the link to a CanonicalValueValidator which has declared the value conform to it. Users can query the validator to establish whether the value needs to be further validated to conform to their requirement.

    Robert Varga