Class DataImportBuilder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AuditMessageBuilder<DataImportBuilder>, Validateable

    public class DataImportBuilder
    extends BaseAuditMessageBuilder<DataImportBuilder>
    Builds an Audit Event representing a Data Export event as specified in

    This message describes the event of exporting data from a system, meaning that the data is leaving control of the system's security domain. Examples of exporting include printing to paper, recording on film, conversion to another format for storage in an EHR, writing to removable media, or sending via e-mail. Multiple patients may be described in one event message.

    Christian Ohr
    • Method Detail

      • addImportingParticipant

        public DataImportBuilder addImportingParticipant​(String userId,
                                                         String altUserId,
                                                         String userName,
                                                         String networkAccessPointId,
                                                         boolean userIsRequestor)
        userId - The identity of the local user or process importing the data.
        altUserId - Alternate UserID
        userName - UserName
        networkAccessPointId - Network Access Point ID
        userIsRequestor - A single user (either local or remote) shall be identified as the requestor, i.e., UserIsRequestor with a value of TRUE. This accommodates both push and pull transfer models for media
      • addSourceParticipant

        public DataImportBuilder addSourceParticipant​(String userId,
                                                      String altUserId,
                                                      String userName,
                                                      String networkAccessPointId,
                                                      boolean userIsRequestor)
        userId - UserID
        altUserId - Alternate UserID
        userName - UserName
        networkAccessPointId - Network Access Point ID
        userIsRequestor - A single user (either local or remote) shall be identified as the requestor, i.e., UserIsRequestor with a value of TRUE. This accommodates both push and pull transfer models for media