Class UserAuthenticationBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • setAuthenticatedParticipant

        public UserAuthenticationBuilder setAuthenticatedParticipant​(String userId,
                                                                     String altUserId,
                                                                     String userName,
                                                                     boolean userIsRequestor,
                                                                     ActiveParticipantRoleIdCode roleId,
                                                                     String networkId)
        Sets the Active Participant of the Node or System entering or leaving the network
        userId - The person or process accessing the audit trail. If both are known, then two active participants shall be included (both the person and the process).
        altUserId - The Active Participant's Alternate UserID
        userName - The Active Participant's UserName
        networkId - The Active Participant's Network Access Point ID
      • setAuthenticatingSystemParticipant

        public UserAuthenticationBuilder setAuthenticatingSystemParticipant​(String userId,
                                                                            String altUserId,
                                                                            String userName,
                                                                            boolean userIsRequestor,
                                                                            ActiveParticipantRoleIdCode roleId,
                                                                            String networkId)
        Node or System performing authentication
        userId - The Active Participant's UserID
        altUserId - The Active Participant's Alternate UserID
        userName - The Active Participant's UserName
        networkId - The Active Participant's Network Access Point ID