Class Point3D

  • public class Point3D
    extends Object
    A 3D geometric point that usually represents the x, y, z coordinates. It can also represent a relative magnitude vector's x, y, z magnitudes.
    JavaFX 2.0
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static Point3D ZERO
      Point or vector with all three coordinates set to 0.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Point3D​(double x, double y, double z)
      Creates a new instance of Point3D.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Point3D add​(double x, double y, double z)
      Returns a point with the specified coordinates added to the coordinates of this point.
      Point3D add​(Point3D point)
      Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point added to the coordinates of this point.
      double angle​(double x, double y, double z)
      Computes the angle (in degrees) between the vector represented by this point and the specified vector.
      double angle​(Point3D point)
      Computes the angle (in degrees) between the vector represented by this point and the vector represented by the specified point.
      double angle​(Point3D p1, Point3D p2)
      Computes the angle (in degrees) between the three points with this point as a vertex.
      Point3D crossProduct​(double x, double y, double z)
      Computes cross product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
      Point3D crossProduct​(Point3D vector)
      Computes cross product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
      double distance​(double x1, double y1, double z1)
      Computes the distance between this point and point (x1, y1, z1).
      double distance​(Point3D point)
      Computes the distance between this point and the specified point.
      double dotProduct​(double x, double y, double z)
      Computes dot (scalar) product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
      double dotProduct​(Point3D vector)
      Computes dot (scalar) product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
      boolean equals​(Object obj)
      Returns a hash code value for the point.
      double getX()
      The x coordinate.
      double getY()
      The y coordinate.
      double getZ()
      The z coordinate.
      int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code for this Point3D object.
      double magnitude()
      Computes magnitude (length) of the relative magnitude vector represented by this instance.
      Point3D midpoint​(double x, double y, double z)
      Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified coordinates.
      Point3D midpoint​(Point3D point)
      Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified point.
      Point3D multiply​(double factor)
      Returns a point with the coordinates of this point multiplied by the specified factor
      Point3D normalize()
      Normalizes the relative magnitude vector represented by this instance.
      Point3D subtract​(double x, double y, double z)
      Returns a point with the specified coordinates subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
      Point3D subtract​(Point3D point)
      Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
      String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this Point3D.
    • Field Detail

      • ZERO

        public static final Point3D ZERO
        Point or vector with all three coordinates set to 0.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Point3D

        public Point3D​(double x,
                       double y,
                       double z)
        Creates a new instance of Point3D.
        x - The X coordinate of the Point3D
        y - The Y coordinate of the Point3D
        z - The Z coordinate of the Point3D
    • Method Detail

      • getX

        public final double getX()
        The x coordinate.
        the x coordinate
      • getY

        public final double getY()
        The y coordinate.
        the y coordinate
      • getZ

        public final double getZ()
        The z coordinate.
        the z coordinate
      • distance

        public double distance​(double x1,
                               double y1,
                               double z1)
        Computes the distance between this point and point (x1, y1, z1).
        x1 - the x coordinate of other point
        y1 - the y coordinate of other point
        z1 - the z coordinate of other point
        the distance between this point and point (x1, y1, z1).
      • distance

        public double distance​(Point3D point)
        Computes the distance between this point and the specified point.
        point - the other point
        the distance between this point and the specified point.
        NullPointerException - if the specified point is null
      • add

        public Point3D add​(double x,
                           double y,
                           double z)
        Returns a point with the specified coordinates added to the coordinates of this point.
        x - the X coordinate addition
        y - the Y coordinate addition
        z - the Z coordinate addition
        the point with added coordinates
        JavaFX 8.0
      • add

        public Point3D add​(Point3D point)
        Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point added to the coordinates of this point.
        point - the point whose coordinates are to be added
        the point with added coordinates
        NullPointerException - if the specified point is null
        JavaFX 8.0
      • subtract

        public Point3D subtract​(double x,
                                double y,
                                double z)
        Returns a point with the specified coordinates subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
        x - the X coordinate subtraction
        y - the Y coordinate subtraction
        z - the Z coordinate subtraction
        the point with subtracted coordinates
        JavaFX 8.0
      • subtract

        public Point3D subtract​(Point3D point)
        Returns a point with the coordinates of the specified point subtracted from the coordinates of this point.
        point - the point whose coordinates are to be subtracted
        the point with subtracted coordinates
        NullPointerException - if the specified point is null
        JavaFX 8.0
      • multiply

        public Point3D multiply​(double factor)
        Returns a point with the coordinates of this point multiplied by the specified factor
        factor - the factor multiplying the coordinates
        the point with multiplied coordinates
        JavaFX 8.0
      • normalize

        public Point3D normalize()
        Normalizes the relative magnitude vector represented by this instance. Returns a vector with the same direction and magnitude equal to 1. If this is a zero vector, a zero vector is returned.
        the normalized vector represented by a Point3D instance
        JavaFX 8.0
      • midpoint

        public Point3D midpoint​(double x,
                                double y,
                                double z)
        Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified coordinates.
        x - the X coordinate of the second endpoint
        y - the Y coordinate of the second endpoint
        z - the Z coordinate of the second endpoint
        the point in the middle
        JavaFX 8.0
      • midpoint

        public Point3D midpoint​(Point3D point)
        Returns a point which lies in the middle between this point and the specified point.
        point - the other endpoint
        the point in the middle
        NullPointerException - if the specified point is null
        JavaFX 8.0
      • angle

        public double angle​(double x,
                            double y,
                            double z)
        Computes the angle (in degrees) between the vector represented by this point and the specified vector.
        x - the X magnitude of the other vector
        y - the Y magnitude of the other vector
        z - the Z magnitude of the other vector
        the angle between the two vectors measured in degrees
        JavaFX 8.0
      • angle

        public double angle​(Point3D point)
        Computes the angle (in degrees) between the vector represented by this point and the vector represented by the specified point.
        point - the other vector
        the angle between the two vectors measured in degrees, NaN if any of the two vectors is a zero vector
        NullPointerException - if the specified point is null
        JavaFX 8.0
      • angle

        public double angle​(Point3D p1,
                            Point3D p2)
        Computes the angle (in degrees) between the three points with this point as a vertex.
        p1 - one point
        p2 - other point
        angle between the vectors (this, p1) and (this, p2) measured in degrees, NaN if the three points are not different from one another
        NullPointerException - if the p1 or p2 is null
        JavaFX 8.0
      • magnitude

        public double magnitude()
        Computes magnitude (length) of the relative magnitude vector represented by this instance.
        magnitude of the vector
        JavaFX 8.0
      • dotProduct

        public double dotProduct​(double x,
                                 double y,
                                 double z)
        Computes dot (scalar) product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
        x - the X magnitude of the other vector
        y - the Y magnitude of the other vector
        z - the Z magnitude of the other vector
        the dot product of the two vectors
        JavaFX 8.0
      • dotProduct

        public double dotProduct​(Point3D vector)
        Computes dot (scalar) product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
        vector - the other vector
        the dot product of the two vectors
        NullPointerException - if the specified vector is null
        JavaFX 8.0
      • crossProduct

        public Point3D crossProduct​(double x,
                                    double y,
                                    double z)
        Computes cross product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
        x - the X magnitude of the other vector
        y - the Y magnitude of the other vector
        z - the Z magnitude of the other vector
        the cross product of the two vectors
        JavaFX 8.0
      • crossProduct

        public Point3D crossProduct​(Point3D vector)
        Computes cross product of the vector represented by this instance and the specified vector.
        vector - the other vector
        the cross product of the two vectors
        NullPointerException - if the specified vector is null
        JavaFX 8.0
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Returns a hash code value for the point.
        equals in class Object
        a hash code value for the point.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code for this Point3D object.
        hashCode in class Object
        a hash code for this Point3D object.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this Point3D. This method is intended to be used only for informational purposes. The content and format of the returned string might vary between implementations. The returned string might be empty but cannot be null.
        toString in class Object