Package javafx.scene

Class ImageCursor


public class ImageCursor extends Cursor
A custom image representation of the mouse cursor. On platforms that don't support custom cursors, Cursor.DEFAULT will be used in place of the specified ImageCursor.


import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.image.*;

Image image = new Image("mycursor.png");

Scene scene = new Scene(400, 300);
scene.setCursor(new ImageCursor(image,
                                image.getWidth() / 2,
                                image.getHeight() /2));
JavaFX 2.0
  • Property Details

    • image

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Image> imageProperty
      The image to display when the cursor is active. If the image is null, Cursor.DEFAULT will be used.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • hotspotX

      public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty hotspotXProperty
      The X coordinate of the cursor's hot spot. This hotspot represents the location within the cursor image that will be displayed at the mouse position. This must be in the range of [0,image.width-1]. A value less than 0 will be set to 0. A value greater than image.width-1 will be set to image.width-1.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • hotspotY

      public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty hotspotYProperty
      The Y coordinate of the cursor's hot spot. This hotspot represents the location within the cursor image that will be displayed at the mouse position. This must be in the range of [0,image.height-1]. A value less than 0 will be set to 0. A value greater than image.height-1 will be set to image.height-1.
      Default value:
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageCursor

      public ImageCursor()
      Constructs a new empty ImageCursor which will look as Cursor.DEFAULT.
    • ImageCursor

      public ImageCursor(Image image)
      Constructs an ImageCursor from the specified image. The cursor's hot spot will default to the upper left corner.
      image - the image
    • ImageCursor

      public ImageCursor(Image image, double hotspotX, double hotspotY)
      Constructs an ImageCursor from the specified image and hotspot coordinates.
      image - the image
      hotspotX - the X coordinate of the cursor's hot spot
      hotspotY - the Y coordinate of the cursor's hot spot
  • Method Details

    • getImage

      public final Image getImage()
      Gets the value of the property image.
      Property description:
      The image to display when the cursor is active. If the image is null, Cursor.DEFAULT will be used.
      Default value:
    • imageProperty

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Image> imageProperty()
      The image to display when the cursor is active. If the image is null, Cursor.DEFAULT will be used.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • getHotspotX

      public final double getHotspotX()
      Gets the value of the property hotspotX.
      Property description:
      The X coordinate of the cursor's hot spot. This hotspot represents the location within the cursor image that will be displayed at the mouse position. This must be in the range of [0,image.width-1]. A value less than 0 will be set to 0. A value greater than image.width-1 will be set to image.width-1.
      Default value:
    • hotspotXProperty

      public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty hotspotXProperty()
      The X coordinate of the cursor's hot spot. This hotspot represents the location within the cursor image that will be displayed at the mouse position. This must be in the range of [0,image.width-1]. A value less than 0 will be set to 0. A value greater than image.width-1 will be set to image.width-1.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • getHotspotY

      public final double getHotspotY()
      Gets the value of the property hotspotY.
      Property description:
      The Y coordinate of the cursor's hot spot. This hotspot represents the location within the cursor image that will be displayed at the mouse position. This must be in the range of [0,image.height-1]. A value less than 0 will be set to 0. A value greater than image.height-1 will be set to image.height-1.
      Default value:
    • hotspotYProperty

      public final ReadOnlyDoubleProperty hotspotYProperty()
      The Y coordinate of the cursor's hot spot. This hotspot represents the location within the cursor image that will be displayed at the mouse position. This must be in the range of [0,image.height-1]. A value less than 0 will be set to 0. A value greater than image.height-1 will be set to image.height-1.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • getBestSize

      public static Dimension2D getBestSize(double preferredWidth, double preferredHeight)
      Gets the supported cursor size that is closest to the specified preferred size. A value of (0,0) is returned if the platform does not support custom cursors.

      Note: if an image is used whose dimensions don't match a supported size (as returned by this method), the implementation will resize the image to a supported size. This may result in a loss of quality.

      Note: These values can vary between operating systems, graphics cards and screen resolution, but at the time of this writing, a sample Windows Vista machine returned 32x32 for all requested sizes, while sample Mac and Linux machines returned the requested size up to a maximum of 64x64. Applications should provide a 32x32 cursor, which will work well on all platforms, and may optionally wish to provide a 64x64 cursor for those platforms on which it is supported.

      preferredWidth - the preferred width of the cursor
      preferredHeight - the preferred height of the cursor
      the supported cursor size
    • getMaximumColors

      public static int getMaximumColors()
      Returns the maximum number of colors supported in a custom image cursor palette.

      Note: if an image is used which has more colors in its palette than the supported maximum, the implementation will attempt to flatten the palette to the maximum. This may result in a loss of quality.

      Note: These values can vary between operating systems, graphics cards and screen resolution, but at the time of this writing, a sample Windows Vista machine returned 256, a sample Mac machine returned Integer.MAX_VALUE, indicating support for full color cursors, and a sample Linux machine returned 2. Applications may want to target these three color depths for an optimal cursor on each platform.

      the maximum number of colors supported in a custom image cursor palette
    • chooseBestCursor

      public static ImageCursor chooseBestCursor(Image[] images, double hotspotX, double hotspotY)
      Creates a custom image cursor from one of the specified images. This function will choose the image whose size most closely matched the best cursor size. The hotpotX of the returned ImageCursor is scaled by chosenImage.width/images[0].width and the hotspotY is scaled by chosenImage.height/images[0].height.

      On platforms that don't support custom cursors, Cursor.DEFAULT will be used in place of the returned ImageCursor.

      images - a sequence of images from which to choose, in order of preference
      hotspotX - the X coordinate of the hotspot within the first image in the images sequence
      hotspotY - the Y coordinate of the hotspot within the first image in the images sequence
      a cursor created from the best image