Class Spinner<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of all values that can be iterated through in the Spinner. Common types include Integer and String.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable

public class Spinner<T> extends Control
A single line text field that lets the user select a number or an object value from an ordered sequence. Spinners typically provide a pair of tiny arrow buttons for stepping through the elements of the sequence. The keyboard up/down arrow keys also cycle through the elements. The user may also be allowed to type a (legal) value directly into the spinner. Although combo boxes provide similar functionality, spinners are sometimes preferred because they don't require a drop down list that can obscure important data, and also because they allow for features such as wrapping and simpler specification of 'infinite' data models (the SpinnerValueFactory, rather than using a ObservableList data model like many other JavaFX UI controls.

A Spinner's sequence value is defined by its SpinnerValueFactory. The value factory can be specified as a constructor argument and changed with the value factory property. SpinnerValueFactory classes for some common types are provided with JavaFX, including:

A Spinner has a TextField child component that is responsible for displaying and potentially changing the current value of the Spinner, which is called the editor. By default the Spinner is non-editable, but input can be accepted if the editable property is set to true. The Spinner editor stays in sync with the value factory by listening for changes to the value property of the value factory. If the user has changed the value displayed in the editor it is possible for the Spinner value to differ from that of the editor. To make sure the model has the same value as the editor, the user must commit the edit using the Enter key.


Spinner spinner = new Spinner(0, 10, 5);
Image of the Spinner control
JavaFX 8u40
See Also:
  • Property Details

  • Field Details


      public static final String STYLE_CLASS_ARROWS_ON_RIGHT_HORIZONTAL
      The arrows are placed on the right of the Spinner, pointing horizontally (i.e. left and right).
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_CLASS_ARROWS_ON_LEFT_VERTICAL
      The arrows are placed on the left of the Spinner, pointing vertically (i.e. up and down).
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_CLASS_ARROWS_ON_LEFT_HORIZONTAL
      The arrows are placed on the left of the Spinner, pointing horizontally (i.e. left and right).
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_CLASS_SPLIT_ARROWS_VERTICAL
      The arrows are placed above and beneath the spinner, stretching to take the entire width.
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_CLASS_SPLIT_ARROWS_HORIZONTAL
      The decrement arrow is placed on the left of the Spinner, and the increment on the right.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Spinner

      public Spinner()
      Constructs a default Spinner instance, with the default 'spinner' style class and a non-editable editor.
    • Spinner

      public Spinner(int min, int max, int initialValue)
      Creates a Spinner instance with the value factory set to be an instance of SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory. Note that if this constructor is called, the only valid generic type for the Spinner instance is Integer, i.e. Spinner<Integer>.
      min - The minimum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      max - The maximum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      initialValue - The value of the Spinner when first instantiated, must be within the bounds of the min and max arguments, or else the min value will be used.
    • Spinner

      public Spinner(int min, int max, int initialValue, int amountToStepBy)
      Creates a Spinner instance with the value factory set to be an instance of SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory. Note that if this constructor is called, the only valid generic type for the Spinner instance is Integer, i.e. Spinner<Integer>.
      min - The minimum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      max - The maximum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      initialValue - The value of the Spinner when first instantiated, must be within the bounds of the min and max arguments, or else the min value will be used.
      amountToStepBy - The amount to increment or decrement by, per step.
    • Spinner

      public Spinner(double min, double max, double initialValue)
      Creates a Spinner instance with the value factory set to be an instance of SpinnerValueFactory.DoubleSpinnerValueFactory. Note that if this constructor is called, the only valid generic type for the Spinner instance is Double, i.e. Spinner<Double>.
      min - The minimum allowed double value for the Spinner.
      max - The maximum allowed double value for the Spinner.
      initialValue - The value of the Spinner when first instantiated, must be within the bounds of the min and max arguments, or else the min value will be used.
    • Spinner

      public Spinner(double min, double max, double initialValue, double amountToStepBy)
      Creates a Spinner instance with the value factory set to be an instance of SpinnerValueFactory.DoubleSpinnerValueFactory. Note that if this constructor is called, the only valid generic type for the Spinner instance is Double, i.e. Spinner<Double>.
      min - The minimum allowed double value for the Spinner.
      max - The maximum allowed double value for the Spinner.
      initialValue - The value of the Spinner when first instantiated, must be within the bounds of the min and max arguments, or else the min value will be used.
      amountToStepBy - The amount to increment or decrement by, per step.
    • Spinner

      public Spinner(ObservableList<T> items)
      Creates a Spinner instance with the value factory set to be an instance of SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory. The Spinner value property will be set to the first element of the list, if an element exists, or null otherwise.
      items - A list of items that will be stepped through in the Spinner.
    • Spinner

      public Spinner(SpinnerValueFactory<T> valueFactory)
      Creates a Spinner instance with the given value factory set.
      valueFactory - The value factory to use.
  • Method Details

    • increment

      public void increment()
      Attempts to increment the value factory by one step, by calling the SpinnerValueFactory.increment(int) method with an argument of one. If the value factory is null, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
      IllegalStateException - if the value factory returned by calling getValueFactory() is null.
    • increment

      public void increment(int steps)
      Attempts to increment the value factory by the given number of steps, by calling the SpinnerValueFactory.increment(int) method and forwarding the steps argument to it. If the value factory is null, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
      steps - The number of increments that should be performed on the value.
      IllegalStateException - if the value factory returned by calling getValueFactory() is null.
    • decrement

      public void decrement()
      Attempts to decrement the value factory by one step, by calling the SpinnerValueFactory.decrement(int) method with an argument of one. If the value factory is null, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
      IllegalStateException - if the value factory returned by calling getValueFactory() is null.
    • decrement

      public void decrement(int steps)
      Attempts to decrement the value factory by the given number of steps, by calling the SpinnerValueFactory.decrement(int) method and forwarding the steps argument to it. If the value factory is null, an IllegalStateException is thrown.
      steps - The number of decrements that should be performed on the value.
      IllegalStateException - if the value factory returned by calling getValueFactory() is null.
    • commitValue

      public final void commitValue()
      If the Spinner is editable, calling this method will attempt to commit the current text and convert it to a value.
    • cancelEdit

      public final void cancelEdit()
      If the Spinner is editable, calling this method will attempt to replace the editor text with the last committed value.
    • getValue

      public final T getValue()
      Gets the value of the property value.
      Property description:
      The value property on Spinner is a read-only property, as it is bound to the SpinnerValueFactory value property. Should the value factory change, this value property will be unbound from the old value factory and bound to the new one.

      If developers wish to modify the value property, they may do so with code in the following form:

       Object newValue = ...;
    • valueProperty

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<T> valueProperty()
      The value property on Spinner is a read-only property, as it is bound to the SpinnerValueFactory value property. Should the value factory change, this value property will be unbound from the old value factory and bound to the new one.

      If developers wish to modify the value property, they may do so with code in the following form:

       Object newValue = ...;
      See Also:
    • setValueFactory

      public final void setValueFactory(SpinnerValueFactory<T> value)
      Sets the value of the property valueFactory.
      Property description:
      The value factory is the model behind the JavaFX Spinner control - without a value factory installed a Spinner is unusable. It is the role of the value factory to handle almost all aspects of the Spinner, including:
    • getValueFactory

      public final SpinnerValueFactory<T> getValueFactory()
      Gets the value of the property valueFactory.
      Property description:
      The value factory is the model behind the JavaFX Spinner control - without a value factory installed a Spinner is unusable. It is the role of the value factory to handle almost all aspects of the Spinner, including:
    • valueFactoryProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<SpinnerValueFactory<T>> valueFactoryProperty()
      The value factory is the model behind the JavaFX Spinner control - without a value factory installed a Spinner is unusable. It is the role of the value factory to handle almost all aspects of the Spinner, including:
      See Also:
    • setEditable

      public final void setEditable(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the property editable.
      Property description:
      The editable property is used to specify whether user input is able to be typed into the Spinner editor. If editable is true, user input will be received once the user types and presses the Enter key. At this point the input is passed to the SpinnerValueFactory converter StringConverter.fromString(String) method. The returned value from this call (of type T) is then sent to the SpinnerValueFactory.setValue(Object) method. If the value is valid, it will remain as the value. If it is invalid, the value factory will need to react accordingly and back out this change.
      Default value:
    • isEditable

      public final boolean isEditable()
      Gets the value of the property editable.
      Property description:
      The editable property is used to specify whether user input is able to be typed into the Spinner editor. If editable is true, user input will be received once the user types and presses the Enter key. At this point the input is passed to the SpinnerValueFactory converter StringConverter.fromString(String) method. The returned value from this call (of type T) is then sent to the SpinnerValueFactory.setValue(Object) method. If the value is valid, it will remain as the value. If it is invalid, the value factory will need to react accordingly and back out this change.
      Default value:
    • editableProperty

      public final BooleanProperty editableProperty()
      The editable property is used to specify whether user input is able to be typed into the Spinner editor. If editable is true, user input will be received once the user types and presses the Enter key. At this point the input is passed to the SpinnerValueFactory converter StringConverter.fromString(String) method. The returned value from this call (of type T) is then sent to the SpinnerValueFactory.setValue(Object) method. If the value is valid, it will remain as the value. If it is invalid, the value factory will need to react accordingly and back out this change.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • editorProperty

      public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<TextField> editorProperty()
      The editor used by the Spinner control.
      See Also:
    • getEditor

      public final TextField getEditor()
      Gets the value of the property editor.
      Property description:
      The editor used by the Spinner control.
    • promptTextProperty

      public final StringProperty promptTextProperty()
      The prompt text to display in the Spinner, or null if no prompt text is displayed.
      Default value:
      Empty string
      See Also:
    • getPromptText

      public final String getPromptText()
      Gets the value of the property promptText.
      Property description:
      The prompt text to display in the Spinner, or null if no prompt text is displayed.
      Default value:
      Empty string
    • setPromptText

      public final void setPromptText(String value)
      Sets the value of the property promptText.
      Property description:
      The prompt text to display in the Spinner, or null if no prompt text is displayed.
      Default value:
      Empty string
    • initialDelayProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Duration> initialDelayProperty()
      The duration that the mouse has to be pressed on an arrow button before the next value steps. Successive step duration is set using repeat delay.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • setInitialDelay

      public final void setInitialDelay(Duration value)
      Sets the value of the property initialDelay.
      Property description:
      The duration that the mouse has to be pressed on an arrow button before the next value steps. Successive step duration is set using repeat delay.
      Default value:
    • getInitialDelay

      public final Duration getInitialDelay()
      Gets the value of the property initialDelay.
      Property description:
      The duration that the mouse has to be pressed on an arrow button before the next value steps. Successive step duration is set using repeat delay.
      Default value:
    • repeatDelayProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Duration> repeatDelayProperty()
      The duration that the mouse has to be pressed for each successive step after the first value steps. Initial step duration is set using initial delay.
      Default value:
      See Also:
    • setRepeatDelay

      public final void setRepeatDelay(Duration value)
      Sets the value of the property repeatDelay.
      Property description:
      The duration that the mouse has to be pressed for each successive step after the first value steps. Initial step duration is set using initial delay.
      Default value:
    • getRepeatDelay

      public final Duration getRepeatDelay()
      Gets the value of the property repeatDelay.
      Property description:
      The duration that the mouse has to be pressed for each successive step after the first value steps. Initial step duration is set using initial delay.
      Default value:
    • getClassCssMetaData

      public static List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable,?>> getClassCssMetaData()
    • getControlCssMetaData

      public List<CssMetaData<? extends Styleable,?>> getControlCssMetaData()
      getControlCssMetaData in class Control
      unmodifiable list of the controls css styleable properties