
package immutable

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ActedOnBehalfOf extends Statement with ImmutableActedOnBehalfOf
  2. class Activity extends Node with ImmutableActivity
  3. class Agent extends Node with ImmutableAgent
  4. class AlternateOf extends Statement with ImmutableAlternateOf
  5. sealed abstract class Attribute extends TypedValue with model.Attribute
  6. class Bundle extends StatementOrBundle with model.Bundle with Identifiable with HasStatements with Hashable with HasNamespace
  7. class Document extends model.Document with HasStatementsOrBundle with Hashable with HasNamespace
  8. class Entity extends Node with ImmutableEntity
  9. trait ExtensionStatement extends AnyRef
  10. class FooException extends Exception
  11. class HadMember extends Statement with ImmutableHadMember
  12. trait HasAttributes extends AnyRef
  13. trait HasLabel extends AnyRef
  14. trait HasLocation extends AnyRef
  15. trait HasNamespace extends AnyRef
  16. trait HasOther extends AnyRef
  17. trait HasRole extends AnyRef
  18. trait HasStatements extends AnyRef
  19. trait HasStatementsOrBundle extends AnyRef
  20. trait HasTime extends AnyRef
  21. trait HasType extends AnyRef
  22. trait HasValue extends AnyRef
  23. trait Hashable extends AnyRef
  24. class ICons extends ImmutableConstructor
  25. trait Identifiable extends model.Identifiable
  26. trait ImmutableActedOnBehalfOf extends Relation with model.ActedOnBehalfOf with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  27. trait ImmutableActivity extends model.HasLabel with model.HasType with model.HasLocation with model.HasOther with model.Activity with Identifiable with HasLocation with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  28. trait ImmutableAgent extends model.HasLabel with model.HasType with model.HasValue with model.HasLocation with model.HasOther with model.Agent with Identifiable with HasLocation with HasValue with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  29. trait ImmutableAlternateOf extends Relation with model.AlternateOf with QualifiedAlternateOf with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  30. trait ImmutableConstructor extends ImmutableConstructorInterface
  31. trait ImmutableConstructorDelegator extends ImmutableConstructorInterface
  32. trait ImmutableConstructorInterface extends AnyRef
  33. trait ImmutableEntity extends model.HasLabel with model.HasType with model.HasValue with model.HasLocation with model.HasOther with model.Entity with Identifiable with HasLocation with HasValue with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  34. trait ImmutableHadMember extends Relation with model.HadMember with QualifiedHadMember with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  35. trait ImmutableMentionOf extends Relation with model.MentionOf with QualifiedSpecializationOf with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  36. trait ImmutableSpecializationOf extends Relation with model.SpecializationOf with QualifiedSpecializationOf with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  37. trait ImmutableUsed extends Relation with model.Used with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasLocation with HasRole with HasAttributes with HasTime with Hashable
  38. trait ImmutableWasAssociatedWith extends Relation with model.WasAssociatedWith with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasRole with HasAttributes with Hashable
  39. trait ImmutableWasAttributedTo extends Relation with model.WasAttributedTo with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  40. trait ImmutableWasDerivedFrom extends Relation with model.WasDerivedFrom with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  41. trait ImmutableWasEndedBy extends Relation with model.WasEndedBy with Identifiable with HasLocation with HasRole with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with HasTime with Hashable
  42. trait ImmutableWasGeneratedBy extends Relation with model.WasGeneratedBy with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasLocation with HasRole with HasAttributes with HasTime with Hashable
  43. trait ImmutableWasInfluencedBy extends Relation with model.WasInfluencedBy with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  44. trait ImmutableWasInformedBy extends Relation with model.WasInformedBy with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with Hashable
  45. trait ImmutableWasInvalidatedBy extends Relation with model.WasInvalidatedBy with Identifiable with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasLocation with HasRole with HasAttributes with HasTime with Hashable
  46. trait ImmutableWasStartedBy extends Relation with model.WasStartedBy with Identifiable with HasLocation with HasRole with HasLabel with HasType with HasOther with HasAttributes with HasTime with Hashable
  47. class Label extends Attribute with model.Label with model.Attribute with ToNotationString with Hashable
  48. class LangString extends model.LangString with Hashable
  49. class Location extends Attribute with model.Location with model.Attribute with ToNotationString with Hashable
  50. class LocationExistException extends Exception
  51. class MentionOf extends Statement with ImmutableMentionOf
  52. class MultipleValuedEntityException extends Exception
  53. final class MyActions extends AnyRef
  54. final class MyActions2 extends AnyRef
  55. final class MyParser extends Parser with ProvnParser
  56. abstract class Node extends Statement with HasType with HasOther
  57. class ObjectFactory extends model.ObjectFactory
  58. class OrderedDocument extends Document
  59. class Other extends Attribute with model.Other with model.Attribute with ToNotationString with Hashable
  60. class ProvConstructor extends AtomConstructor with ModelConstructor with ImmutableConstructorDelegator
  61. class ProvDeserialiser extends model.ProvDeserialiser
  62. class ProvFactory extends ProvFactory1
  63. class ProvFactory1 extends vanilla.ProvFactory
  64. trait ProvStream extends AnyRef
  65. trait ProvnCore extends Parser
  66. trait ProvnNamespaces extends Parser with ProvnCore
  67. trait ProvnParser extends Parser with ProvnCore with ProvnNamespaces
  68. class QualifiedName extends model.QualifiedName with Ordered[QualifiedName]
  69. trait Relation extends StatementOrBundle with HasAttributes with HasOther
  70. class Role extends Attribute with model.Role with model.Attribute with ToNotationString with Hashable
  71. class RoleExistException extends Exception
  72. class SpecializationOf extends Statement with ImmutableSpecializationOf
  73. abstract class Statement extends model.Statement with Identifiable with StatementOrBundle
  74. trait StatementOrBundle extends model.StatementOrBundle with Identifiable
  75. trait ToNotationString extends AnyRef
  76. class Type extends Attribute with model.Type with model.Attribute with ToNotationString with Hashable
  77. class TypedValue extends model.TypedValue
  78. class Used extends Statement with ImmutableUsed
  79. class Value extends Attribute with model.Value with model.Attribute with ToNotationString with Hashable
  80. class ValueExistException extends Exception
  81. class WasAssociatedWith extends Statement with ImmutableWasAssociatedWith
  82. class WasAttributedTo extends Statement with ImmutableWasAttributedTo
  83. class WasDerivedFrom extends Statement with ImmutableWasDerivedFrom
  84. class WasEndedBy extends Statement with ImmutableWasEndedBy
  85. class WasGeneratedBy extends Statement with ImmutableWasGeneratedBy
  86. class WasInfluencedBy extends Statement with ImmutableWasInfluencedBy
  87. class WasInformedBy extends Statement with ImmutableWasInformedBy
  88. class WasInvalidatedBy extends Statement with ImmutableWasInvalidatedBy
  89. class WasStartedBy extends Statement with ImmutableWasStartedBy
