Class ToStringStyle

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class ToStringStyle
    extends Object
    implements Serializable

    Controls String formatting for ToStringBuilder. The main public interface is always via ToStringBuilder.

    These classes are intended to be used as Singletons. There is no need to instantiate a new style each time. A program will generally use one of the predefined constants on this class. Alternatively, the StandardToStringStyle class can be used to set the individual settings. Thus most styles can be achieved without subclassing.

    If required, a subclass can override as many or as few of the methods as it requires. Each object type (from boolean to long to Object to int[]) has its own methods to output it. Most have two versions, detail and summary.

    For example, the detail version of the array based methods will output the whole array, whereas the summary method will just output the array length.

    If you want to format the output of certain objects, such as dates, you must create a subclass and override a method.

     public class MyStyle extends ToStringStyle {
       protected void appendDetail(StringBuffer buffer, String fieldName, Object value) {
         if (value instanceof Date) {
           value = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(value);
    $Id: 907168 2010-02-06 03:33:50Z mbenson $
    Apache Software Foundation, Gary Gregory, Pete Gieser, Masato Tezuka
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final ToStringStyle DEFAULT_STYLE
        The default toString style. Using the Using the Person example from ToStringBuilder, the output would look like this:
         Person@182f0db[name=John Doe,age=33,smoker=false]

        public static final ToStringStyle MULTI_LINE_STYLE
        The multi line toString style. Using the Using the Person example from ToStringBuilder, the output would look like this:
           name=John Doe

        public static final ToStringStyle NO_FIELD_NAMES_STYLE
        The no field names toString style. Using the Using the Person example from ToStringBuilder, the output would look like this:
         Person@182f0db[John Doe,33,false]

        public static final ToStringStyle SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE
        The short prefix toString style. Using the Person example from ToStringBuilder, the output would look like this:
         Person[name=John Doe,age=33,smoker=false]

        public static final ToStringStyle SIMPLE_STYLE
        The simple toString style. Using the Using the Person example from ToStringBuilder, the output would look like this:
         John Doe,33,false
    • Constructor Detail

      • ToStringStyle

        protected ToStringStyle()


    • Method Detail

      • appendSuper

        public void appendSuper​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                String superToString)

        Append to the toString the superclass toString.

        NOTE: It assumes that the toString has been created from the same ToStringStyle.

        A null superToString is ignored.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        superToString - the super.toString()
      • appendToString

        public void appendToString​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                   String toString)

        Append to the toString another toString.

        NOTE: It assumes that the toString has been created from the same ToStringStyle.

        A null toString is ignored.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        toString - the additional toString
      • appendStart

        public void appendStart​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                Object object)

        Append to the toString the start of data indicator.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        object - the Object to build a toString for
      • appendEnd

        public void appendEnd​(StringBuffer buffer,
                              Object object)

        Append to the toString the end of data indicator.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        object - the Object to build a toString for.
      • removeLastFieldSeparator

        protected void removeLastFieldSeparator​(StringBuffer buffer)

        Remove the last field separator from the buffer.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           Object value,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString an Object value, printing the full toString of the Object passed in.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendInternal

        protected void appendInternal​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                      String fieldName,
                                      Object value,
                                      boolean detail)

        Append to the toString an Object, correctly interpreting its type.

        This method performs the main lookup by Class type to correctly route arrays, Collections, Maps and Objects to the appropriate method.

        Either detail or summary views can be specified.

        If a cycle is detected, an object will be appended with the Object.toString() format.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString, not null
        detail - output detail or not
      • appendCyclicObject

        protected void appendCyclicObject​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                          String fieldName,
                                          Object value)

        Append to the toString an Object value that has been detected to participate in a cycle. This implementation will print the standard string value of the value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString, not null
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    Object value)

        Append to the toString an Object value, printing the full detail of the Object.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString, not null
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    Collection coll)

        Append to the toString a Collection.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        coll - the Collection to add to the toString, not null
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    Map map)

        Append to the toString a Map.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        map - the Map to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     Object value)

        Append to the toString an Object value, printing a summary of the Object.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           long value)

        Append to the toString a long value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    long value)

        Append to the toString a long value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           int value)

        Append to the toString an int value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    int value)

        Append to the toString an int value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           short value)

        Append to the toString a short value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    short value)

        Append to the toString a short value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           byte value)

        Append to the toString a byte value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    byte value)

        Append to the toString a byte value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           char value)

        Append to the toString a char value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    char value)

        Append to the toString a char value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           double value)

        Append to the toString a double value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    double value)

        Append to the toString a double value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           float value)

        Append to the toString a float value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    float value)

        Append to the toString a float value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           boolean value)

        Append to the toString a boolean value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    boolean value)

        Append to the toString a boolean value.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        value - the value to add to the toString
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           Object[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString an Object array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    Object[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of an Object array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • reflectionAppendArrayDetail

        protected void reflectionAppendArrayDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                                   String fieldName,
                                                   Object array)

        Append to the toString the detail of an array type.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     Object[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of an Object array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           long[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString a long array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    long[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of a long array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     long[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of a long array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           int[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString an int array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    int[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of an int array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     int[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of an int array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           short[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString a short array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    short[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of a short array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     short[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of a short array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           byte[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString a byte array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    byte[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of a byte array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     byte[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of a byte array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           char[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString a char array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    char[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of a char array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     char[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of a char array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           double[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString a double array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    double[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of a double array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     double[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of a double array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           float[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString a float array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    float[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of a float array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     float[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of a float array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • append

        public void append​(StringBuffer buffer,
                           String fieldName,
                           boolean[] array,
                           Boolean fullDetail)

        Append to the toString a boolean array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
        array - the array to add to the toString
        fullDetail - true for detail, false for summary info, null for style decides
      • appendDetail

        protected void appendDetail​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                    String fieldName,
                                    boolean[] array)

        Append to the toString the detail of a boolean array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendSummary

        protected void appendSummary​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                     String fieldName,
                                     boolean[] array)

        Append to the toString a summary of a boolean array.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        array - the array to add to the toString, not null
      • appendClassName

        protected void appendClassName​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                       Object object)

        Append to the toString the class name.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        object - the Object whose name to output
      • appendContentStart

        protected void appendContentStart​(StringBuffer buffer)

        Append to the toString the content start.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
      • appendContentEnd

        protected void appendContentEnd​(StringBuffer buffer)

        Append to the toString the content end.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
      • appendNullText

        protected void appendNullText​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                      String fieldName)

        Append to the toString an indicator for null.

        The default indicator is '<null>'.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
      • appendFieldSeparator

        protected void appendFieldSeparator​(StringBuffer buffer)

        Append to the toString the field separator.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
      • appendFieldStart

        protected void appendFieldStart​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                        String fieldName)

        Append to the toString the field start.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name
      • appendFieldEnd

        protected void appendFieldEnd​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                      String fieldName)

        Append to the toString the field end.

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
      • appendSummarySize

        protected void appendSummarySize​(StringBuffer buffer,
                                         String fieldName,
                                         int size)

        Append to the toString a size summary.

        The size summary is used to summarize the contents of Collections, Maps and arrays.

        The output consists of a prefix, the passed in size and a suffix.

        The default format is '<size=n>' .

        buffer - the StringBuffer to populate
        fieldName - the field name, typically not used as already appended
        size - the size to append
      • isFullDetail

        protected boolean isFullDetail​(Boolean fullDetailRequest)

        Is this field to be output in full detail.

        This method converts a detail request into a detail level. The calling code may request full detail (true), but a subclass might ignore that and always return false. The calling code may pass in null indicating that it doesn't care about the detail level. In this case the default detail level is used.

        fullDetailRequest - the detail level requested
        whether full detail is to be shown
      • getShortClassName

        protected String getShortClassName​(Class cls)

        Gets the short class name for a class.

        The short class name is the classname excluding the package name.

        cls - the Class to get the short name of
        the short name
      • isUseClassName

        protected boolean isUseClassName()

        Gets whether to use the class name.

        the current useClassName flag
      • setUseClassName

        protected void setUseClassName​(boolean useClassName)

        Sets whether to use the class name.

        useClassName - the new useClassName flag
      • isUseShortClassName

        protected boolean isUseShortClassName()

        Gets whether to output short or long class names.

        the current useShortClassName flag
      • isShortClassName

        protected boolean isShortClassName()
        Use isUseShortClassName() Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.

        Gets whether to output short or long class names.

        the current shortClassName flag
      • setUseShortClassName

        protected void setUseShortClassName​(boolean useShortClassName)

        Sets whether to output short or long class names.

        useShortClassName - the new useShortClassName flag
      • setShortClassName

        protected void setShortClassName​(boolean shortClassName)
        Use setUseShortClassName(boolean) Method will be removed in Commons Lang 3.0.

        Sets whether to output short or long class names.

        shortClassName - the new shortClassName flag
      • isUseIdentityHashCode

        protected boolean isUseIdentityHashCode()

        Gets whether to use the identity hash code.

        the current useIdentityHashCode flag
      • setUseIdentityHashCode

        protected void setUseIdentityHashCode​(boolean useIdentityHashCode)

        Sets whether to use the identity hash code.

        useIdentityHashCode - the new useIdentityHashCode flag
      • isUseFieldNames

        protected boolean isUseFieldNames()

        Gets whether to use the field names passed in.

        the current useFieldNames flag
      • setUseFieldNames

        protected void setUseFieldNames​(boolean useFieldNames)

        Sets whether to use the field names passed in.

        useFieldNames - the new useFieldNames flag
      • isDefaultFullDetail

        protected boolean isDefaultFullDetail()

        Gets whether to use full detail when the caller doesn't specify.

        the current defaultFullDetail flag
      • setDefaultFullDetail

        protected void setDefaultFullDetail​(boolean defaultFullDetail)

        Sets whether to use full detail when the caller doesn't specify.

        defaultFullDetail - the new defaultFullDetail flag
      • isArrayContentDetail

        protected boolean isArrayContentDetail()

        Gets whether to output array content detail.

        the current array content detail setting
      • setArrayContentDetail

        protected void setArrayContentDetail​(boolean arrayContentDetail)

        Sets whether to output array content detail.

        arrayContentDetail - the new arrayContentDetail flag
      • getArrayStart

        protected String getArrayStart()

        Gets the array start text.

        the current array start text
      • setArrayStart

        protected void setArrayStart​(String arrayStart)

        Sets the array start text.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        arrayStart - the new array start text
      • getArrayEnd

        protected String getArrayEnd()

        Gets the array end text.

        the current array end text
      • setArrayEnd

        protected void setArrayEnd​(String arrayEnd)

        Sets the array end text.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        arrayEnd - the new array end text
      • getArraySeparator

        protected String getArraySeparator()

        Gets the array separator text.

        the current array separator text
      • setArraySeparator

        protected void setArraySeparator​(String arraySeparator)

        Sets the array separator text.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        arraySeparator - the new array separator text
      • getContentStart

        protected String getContentStart()

        Gets the content start text.

        the current content start text
      • setContentStart

        protected void setContentStart​(String contentStart)

        Sets the content start text.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        contentStart - the new content start text
      • getContentEnd

        protected String getContentEnd()

        Gets the content end text.

        the current content end text
      • setContentEnd

        protected void setContentEnd​(String contentEnd)

        Sets the content end text.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        contentEnd - the new content end text
      • getFieldNameValueSeparator

        protected String getFieldNameValueSeparator()

        Gets the field name value separator text.

        the current field name value separator text
      • setFieldNameValueSeparator

        protected void setFieldNameValueSeparator​(String fieldNameValueSeparator)

        Sets the field name value separator text.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        fieldNameValueSeparator - the new field name value separator text
      • getFieldSeparator

        protected String getFieldSeparator()

        Gets the field separator text.

        the current field separator text
      • setFieldSeparator

        protected void setFieldSeparator​(String fieldSeparator)

        Sets the field separator text.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        fieldSeparator - the new field separator text
      • isFieldSeparatorAtStart

        protected boolean isFieldSeparatorAtStart()

        Gets whether the field separator should be added at the start of each buffer.

        the fieldSeparatorAtStart flag
      • setFieldSeparatorAtStart

        protected void setFieldSeparatorAtStart​(boolean fieldSeparatorAtStart)

        Sets whether the field separator should be added at the start of each buffer.

        fieldSeparatorAtStart - the fieldSeparatorAtStart flag
      • isFieldSeparatorAtEnd

        protected boolean isFieldSeparatorAtEnd()

        Gets whether the field separator should be added at the end of each buffer.

        fieldSeparatorAtEnd flag
      • setFieldSeparatorAtEnd

        protected void setFieldSeparatorAtEnd​(boolean fieldSeparatorAtEnd)

        Sets whether the field separator should be added at the end of each buffer.

        fieldSeparatorAtEnd - the fieldSeparatorAtEnd flag
      • getNullText

        protected String getNullText()

        Gets the text to output when null found.

        the current text to output when null found
      • setNullText

        protected void setNullText​(String nullText)

        Sets the text to output when null found.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        nullText - the new text to output when null found
      • getSizeStartText

        protected String getSizeStartText()

        Gets the start text to output when a Collection, Map or array size is output.

        This is output before the size value.

        the current start of size text
      • setSizeStartText

        protected void setSizeStartText​(String sizeStartText)

        Sets the start text to output when a Collection, Map or array size is output.

        This is output before the size value.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        sizeStartText - the new start of size text
      • getSizeEndText

        protected String getSizeEndText()

        Gets the end text to output when a Collection, Map or array size is output.

        This is output after the size value.

        the current end of size text
      • setSizeEndText

        protected void setSizeEndText​(String sizeEndText)

        Sets the end text to output when a Collection, Map or array size is output.

        This is output after the size value.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        sizeEndText - the new end of size text
      • getSummaryObjectStartText

        protected String getSummaryObjectStartText()

        Gets the start text to output when an Object is output in summary mode.

        This is output before the size value.

        the current start of summary text
      • setSummaryObjectStartText

        protected void setSummaryObjectStartText​(String summaryObjectStartText)

        Sets the start text to output when an Object is output in summary mode.

        This is output before the size value.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        summaryObjectStartText - the new start of summary text
      • getSummaryObjectEndText

        protected String getSummaryObjectEndText()

        Gets the end text to output when an Object is output in summary mode.

        This is output after the size value.

        the current end of summary text
      • setSummaryObjectEndText

        protected void setSummaryObjectEndText​(String summaryObjectEndText)

        Sets the end text to output when an Object is output in summary mode.

        This is output after the size value.

        null is accepted, but will be converted to an empty String.

        summaryObjectEndText - the new end of summary text