Class FilesystemLoadSaveManager<T extends XMLObject>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the specific base XML object type being managed
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    ConditionalLoadXMLObjectLoadSaveManager<T>, XMLObjectLoadSaveManager<T>

    public class FilesystemLoadSaveManager<T extends XMLObject>
    extends AbstractConditionalLoadXMLObjectLoadSaveManager<T>
    Implementation of XMLObjectLoadSaveManager which uses a local filesystem to load and store serialized XML.

    The primary required configuration is a base directory path under which files of serialized XML will be located. The file name to use is simply the specified String index key, which is treated as an immediate child file name of the base directory. Callers are required to ensure that index keys are acceptable as file names on the platform(s) on which this manager is used.

    • Field Detail

      • log

        private org.slf4j.Logger log
      • baseDirectory

        private File baseDirectory
        The base directory used for storing individual serialized XML files.
      • parserPool

        private ParserPool parserPool
        Parser pool instance for deserializing XML from the filesystem.
    • Method Detail

      • listKeys

        public Set<String> listKeys()
                             throws IOException
        Return a set of the index keys of all objects under management.
        a set of all indexed keys
        IOException - if there is a fatal error obtaining the keys
      • listAll

        public Iterable<Pair<String,​T>> listAll()
                                               throws IOException
        Return an iterable of all objects under management, along with their associated index key.
        an iterable of all managed objects
        IOException - if there is a fatal error loading the managed objects
      • exists

        public boolean exists​(String key)
                       throws IOException
        Evaluate whether an object already exists indexed by the supplied key.
        key - the key of the desired object
        true if object exists, false otherwise
        IOException - if there is a fatal error evaluating object existence
      • load

        public T load​(String key)
               throws IOException
        Load a particular object based on the supplied key.
        key - the key of the desired object
        the object saved under the specified key, or null if there is no such object
        IOException - if there is a fatal error loading the object
      • save

        public void save​(String key,
                         T xmlObject)
                  throws IOException
        Save a particular object, indexed by the supplied key.

        An existing object indexed by the supplied key will not be overwritten. Instead an IOException will be thrown. For saving with the overwrite option, see, XMLObject, boolean).

        key - the key under which to index the object
        xmlObject - the object to save
        IOException - if there is a fatal error saving the object, or if an object already exists indexed by the supplied key
      • save

        public void save​(String key,
                         T xmlObject,
                         boolean overwrite)
                  throws IOException
        Save a particular object, indexed by the supplied key.
        key - the key under which to index the object
        xmlObject - the object to save
        overwrite - whether or not to overwrite any existing object indexed by the supplied key
        IOException - if there is a fatal error saving the object, or if overwrite=false, if an object already exists indexed by the supplied key
      • remove

        public boolean remove​(String key)
                       throws IOException
        Remove the object indexed by the specified key.
        key - the key of the object to remove
        true if the object was found and successfully removed, false if no such object was found
        IOException - if there was a fatal error removing the object
      • updateKey

        public boolean updateKey​(String currentKey,
                                 String newKey)
                          throws IOException
        Update the key under which a particular object is stored.
        currentKey - the current key under which the object is stored
        newKey - the new key under which the object should be stored
        true if the object was found under the current key and the key successfully updated, false if no such object was found
        IOException - if there was a fatal error updating the key
      • buildFile

        protected File buildFile​(String key)
                          throws IOException
        Build the target file name from the specified index key and the configured base directory.
        key - the target file name index key
        the constructed File instance for the target file
        IOException - if there is a fatal error constructing or evaluating the candidate target path