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AbstractMapBackedStorageService - Class in org.opensaml.storage
Partial implementation of StorageService that stores data in-memory with no persistence using a simple map.
AbstractMapBackedStorageService() - Constructor for class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
AbstractStorageService - Class in org.opensaml.storage
Abstract base class for StorageService implementations.
AbstractStorageService() - Constructor for class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
AnnotationSupport - Class in org.opensaml.storage.annotation
Support class that reads and writes fields decorated with storage annotations.
AnnotationSupport() - Constructor for class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Private constructor of utility class.


check(String, String, Instant) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache
Returns true iff the check value is not found in the cache, and stores it.
cleanupInterval - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Time between cleanup checks.
cleanupTask - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Task that cleans up expired records.
cleanupTaskTimer - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Timer used to schedule cleanup tasks.
Context - Annotation Type in org.opensaml.storage.annotation
Identifies the field of a class that serves as the context of a StorageService record.
contextSize - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Configurable context size limit.
create(Object) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Creates a new record in the store using an annotated object as the source.
create(Object) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Creates a new record in the store using an annotated object as the source.
create(String, String, String, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Creates a new record in the store with an expiration.
create(String, String, String, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Creates a new record in the store with an expiration.
create(String, String, T, StorageSerializer<T>, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Creates a new record in the store with an expiration, using a custom serialization process for an arbitrary object.
create(String, String, T, StorageSerializer<T>, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Creates a new record in the store with an expiration, using a custom serialization process for an arbitrary object.


delete(Object) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Deletes an existing record from the store, using an annotated object as the source.
delete(Object) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Deletes an existing record from the store, using an annotated object as the source.
delete(String, String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Deletes an existing record from the store.
delete(String, String) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Deletes an existing record from the store.
deleteContext(String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Forcibly removes all records in a given context along with any associated resources devoted to maintaining the context.
deleteContext(String) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Forcibly removes all records in a given context along with any associated resources devoted to maintaining the context.
deleteImpl(Long, String, String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Internal method to implement delete functions.
deleteWithVersion(long, Object) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Deletes an existing record from the store, using an annotated object as the source, if it currently has a specified version.
deleteWithVersion(long, Object) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Deletes an existing record from the store, using an annotated object as the source, if it currently has a specified version.
deleteWithVersion(long, String, String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Deletes an existing record from the store if it currently has a specified version.
deleteWithVersion(long, String, String) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Deletes an existing record from the store if it currently has a specified version.
deserialize(long, String, String, String, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageSerializer
Returns an object recovered from a string produced through the StorageSerializer.serialize(Type) method.
digester - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache
Digester if key is too long.
doDestroy() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
doInitialize() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
doInitialize() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache


expiration - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Expiration field.
Expiration - Annotation Type in org.opensaml.storage.annotation
Identifies the field of a class that serves as the expiration of a StorageService record.


FIELD_CACHE - Static variable in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Simple cache of fields we have seen.


getAnnotation(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Returns an annotation of a specified type attached to a target object.
getCapabilities() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Returns the capabilities of the underlying store.
getCapabilities() - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Returns the capabilities of the underlying store.
getCleanupInterval() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Gets the time between one cleanup and another.
getCleanupTask() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Returns a cleanup task function to schedule for background cleanup.
getCleanupTaskTimer() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Gets the timer used to schedule cleanup tasks.
getContext(Object) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Gets the value of the field indicated by the Context annotation on the given object.
getContextMap() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Get the map of contexts to manipulate during operations.
getContextSize() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Gets max size of context labels in characters.
getContextSize() - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageCapabilities
Gets max size of context labels in characters.
getExpiration() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Get the record expiration.
getExpiration(Object) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Gets the value of the field indicated by the Expiration annotation on the given object, or null if none.
getField(Object, String) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Returns a Field from a target object.
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Returns the value of a field from an object using reflection.
getKey(Object) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Gets the value of the field indicated by the Key annotation on the given object.
getKeySize() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Gets max size of keys in characters.
getKeySize() - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageCapabilities
Gets max size of keys in characters.
getLock() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Get the shared lock to synchronize access.
getStorage() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache
Get the backing store for the cache.
getValue() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Get the record value.
getValue(Object) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Gets the value of the field indicated by the Value annotation on the given object.
getValue(StorageSerializer<Type>, String, String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Get the record value, using a custom deserialization process.
getValueSize() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Gets max size of values in characters.
getValueSize() - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageCapabilities
Gets max size of values in characters.
getVersion() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Get the record version.


incrementVersion() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.MutableStorageRecord
Increment the record version and returns the new value.
incrementVersion() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Increment the record version and returns the new value.
internalTaskTimer - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Timer used to schedule cleanup tasks if no external one set.
isClustered() - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageCapabilitiesEx
Returns true iff the storage implementation manages data independent of a single server node.
isServerSide() - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageCapabilitiesEx
Returns true iff the storage implementation manages data independent of the client.
isStrict() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache
Get the strictness flag.


Key - Annotation Type in org.opensaml.storage.annotation
Identifies the field of a class that serves as the key of a StorageService record.
keySize - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Configurable key size limit.


log - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Class logger.
log - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache


MutableStorageRecord<T> - Class in org.opensaml.storage
Exposes mutation of StorageRecord properties.
MutableStorageRecord(String, Long) - Constructor for class org.opensaml.storage.MutableStorageRecord


org.opensaml.storage - package org.opensaml.storage
Interfaces and classes for storing state data of the type used in replay caches, conversation identifiers, etc.
org.opensaml.storage.annotation - package org.opensaml.storage.annotation
Annotations in support of StorageService use by custom objects.


read(Object) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Returns an existing record from the store, if one exists, and uses it to update the annotated fields of a target object.
read(Object) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Returns an existing record from the store, if one exists, and uses it to update the annotated fields of a target object.
read(String, String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Returns an existing record from the store, if one exists.
read(String, String) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Returns an existing record from the store, if one exists.
read(String, String, long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Returns an existing record from the store, along with its version.
read(String, String, long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Returns an existing record from the store, along with its version.
readImpl(String, String, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Internal method to implement read functions.
reap(String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Manually trigger a cleanup of expired records.
reap(String) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Manually trigger a cleanup of expired records.
reapWithLock(Map<String, MutableStorageRecord<?>>, long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Locates and removes expired records from the input map.
ReplayCache - Class in org.opensaml.storage
Tracks non-replayable values in order to detect replays of the values, commonly used to track message identifiers.
ReplayCache() - Constructor for class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache


serialize(Type) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageSerializer
Returns a string representing the input object.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception org.opensaml.storage.VersionMismatchException
Serial version UID.
setCleanupInterval(Duration) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Sets the time between one cleanup and another.
setCleanupTaskTimer(Timer) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Sets the timer used to schedule cleanup tasks.
setContext(Object, String) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Sets the value of the field indicated by the Context annotation on the given object.
setContextSize(int) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Set the context size limit.
setDirty() - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
A callback to indicate that data has been modified.
setExpiration(Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.MutableStorageRecord
Set the record expiration.
setExpiration(Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Set the record expiration.
setExpiration(Object, Long) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Sets the value of the field indicated by the Expiration annotation on the given object.
setFieldValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Returns the value of a field from an object using reflection.
setKey(Object, String) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Sets the value of the field indicated by the Key annotation on the given object.
setKeySize(int) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Set the key size limit.
setStorage(StorageService) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache
Set the backing store for the cache.
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache
Set the strictness flag.
setValue(Object, String) - Static method in class org.opensaml.storage.annotation.AnnotationSupport
Sets the value of the field indicated by the Value annotation on the given object.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.MutableStorageRecord
Set the record value.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Set the record value.
setValue(Type, StorageSerializer<Type>) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Set the record value, using a custom serialization process.
setValueSize(int) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Set the value size limit.
setVersion(long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Set the record version.
storage - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache
Backing storage for the replay cache.
StorageCapabilities - Interface in org.opensaml.storage
Exposes capabilities of a StorageService implementation.
StorageCapabilitiesEx - Interface in org.opensaml.storage
Exposes capabilities of a StorageService implementation.
StorageRecord<Type> - Class in org.opensaml.storage
Represents a versioned record in a StorageService.
StorageRecord(String, Long) - Constructor for class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
StorageSerializer<Type> - Interface in org.opensaml.storage
Interface to a serialization/deserialization process used by a StorageService implementation to optimize the handling of complex objects.
StorageService - Interface in org.opensaml.storage
Generic data storage facility.
strict - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.ReplayCache
Flag controlling behavior on storage failure.


update(Object) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Updates an existing record in the store, using an annotated object as the source.
update(Object) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates an existing record in the store, using an annotated object as the source.
update(String, String, String, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Updates an existing record in the store.
update(String, String, String, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates an existing record in the store.
update(String, String, T, StorageSerializer<T>, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Updates an existing record in the store using a custom serialization strategy.
update(String, String, T, StorageSerializer<T>, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates an existing record in the store using a custom serialization strategy.
updateContextExpiration(String, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Updates the expiration time of all records in the context.
updateContextExpiration(String, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates the expiration time of all records in the context.
updateExpiration(Object) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Updates expiration of an existing record in the store, using an annotated object as the source.
updateExpiration(Object) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates expiration of an existing record in the store, using an annotated object as the source.
updateExpiration(String, String, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Updates expiration of an existing record in the store.
updateExpiration(String, String, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates expiration of an existing record in the store.
updateImpl(Long, String, String, String, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Internal method to implement update functions.
updateWithVersion(long, Object) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Updates an existing record in the store, if a version matches, using an annotated object as the source.
updateWithVersion(long, Object) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates an existing record in the store, if a version matches, using an annotated object as the source.
updateWithVersion(long, String, String, String, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractMapBackedStorageService
Updates an existing record in the store, if a version matches.
updateWithVersion(long, String, String, String, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates an existing record in the store, if a version matches.
updateWithVersion(long, String, String, T, StorageSerializer<T>, Long) - Method in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Updates an existing record in the store, if a version matches, using a custom serialization strategy.
updateWithVersion(long, String, String, T, StorageSerializer<T>, Long) - Method in interface org.opensaml.storage.StorageService
Updates an existing record in the store, if a version matches, using a custom serialization strategy.


value - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Value field.
value() - Method in annotation type org.opensaml.storage.annotation.Context
Get the value of this annotation.
value() - Method in annotation type org.opensaml.storage.annotation.Expiration
Get the value of this annotation.
value() - Method in annotation type org.opensaml.storage.annotation.Key
Get the value of this annotation.
value() - Method in annotation type org.opensaml.storage.annotation.Value
Get the value of this annotation.
Value - Annotation Type in org.opensaml.storage.annotation
Identifies the field of a class that serves as the value of a StorageService record.
valueSize - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.AbstractStorageService
Configurable value size limit.
version - Variable in class org.opensaml.storage.StorageRecord
Version field.
VersionMismatchException - Exception in org.opensaml.storage
Exception indicating a version mismatch when updating a storage record.
VersionMismatchException() - Constructor for exception org.opensaml.storage.VersionMismatchException
VersionMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception org.opensaml.storage.VersionMismatchException
VersionMismatchException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.opensaml.storage.VersionMismatchException
VersionMismatchException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.opensaml.storage.VersionMismatchException
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