Class AbstractStorageService

    • Field Detail

      • cleanupInterval

        private Duration cleanupInterval
        Time between cleanup checks. Default value: (0)
      • cleanupTaskTimer

        private Timer cleanupTaskTimer
        Timer used to schedule cleanup tasks.
      • internalTaskTimer

        private Timer internalTaskTimer
        Timer used to schedule cleanup tasks if no external one set.
      • cleanupTask

        private TimerTask cleanupTask
        Task that cleans up expired records.
      • contextSize

        private int contextSize
        Configurable context size limit.
      • keySize

        private int keySize
        Configurable key size limit.
      • valueSize

        private int valueSize
        Configurable value size limit.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractStorageService

        public AbstractStorageService()
    • Method Detail

      • getCleanupInterval

        public Duration getCleanupInterval()
        Gets the time between one cleanup and another. A value of 0 indicates that no cleanup will be performed.
        time between one cleanup and another
      • setCleanupInterval

        public void setCleanupInterval​(@Nonnull
                                       Duration interval)
        Sets the time between one cleanup and another. A value of 0 indicates that no cleanup will be performed. This setting cannot be changed after the service has been initialized.
        interval - time between one cleanup and another
      • getCleanupTaskTimer

        public Timer getCleanupTaskTimer()
        Gets the timer used to schedule cleanup tasks.
        timer used to schedule cleanup tasks
      • setCleanupTaskTimer

        public void setCleanupTaskTimer​(@Nullable
                                        Timer timer)
        Sets the timer used to schedule cleanup tasks. This setting can not be changed after the service has been initialized.
        timer - timer used to schedule configuration reload tasks
      • getCleanupTask

        protected TimerTask getCleanupTask()
        Returns a cleanup task function to schedule for background cleanup.

        The default implementation does not supply one.

        a task object, or null
      • setContextSize

        public void setContextSize​(@Positive
                                   int size)
        Set the context size limit.
        size - limit on context size in characters
      • setKeySize

        public void setKeySize​(@Positive
                               int size)
        Set the key size limit.
        size - size limit on key size in characters
      • setValueSize

        public void setValueSize​(@Positive
                                 int size)
        Set the value size limit.
        size - size limit on value size in characters
      • getContextSize

        public int getContextSize()
        Gets max size of context labels in characters.
        Specified by:
        getContextSize in interface StorageCapabilities
        max size of context labels in characters
      • getKeySize

        public int getKeySize()
        Gets max size of keys in characters.
        Specified by:
        getKeySize in interface StorageCapabilities
        max size of keys in characters
      • getValueSize

        public long getValueSize()
        Gets max size of values in characters.
        Specified by:
        getValueSize in interface StorageCapabilities
        max size of values in characters
      • create

        public <T> boolean create​(@Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                  String context,
                                  @Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                  String key,
                                  T value,
                                  StorageSerializer<T> serializer,
                                  @Nullable @Positive
                                  Long expiration)
                           throws IOException
        Creates a new record in the store with an expiration, using a custom serialization process for an arbitrary object.
        Specified by:
        create in interface StorageService
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of record
        context - a storage context label
        key - a key unique to context
        value - object to store
        serializer - custom serializer for the object
        expiration - expiration for record, or null
        true iff record was inserted, false iff a duplicate was found
        IOException - if fatal errors occur in the insertion process
      • create

        public boolean create​(@Nonnull
                              Object value)
                       throws IOException
        Creates a new record in the store using an annotated object as the source.

        The individual parameters for the creation are extracted from the object using the annotations in the package. If any are missing, or a field inaccessible, a runtime exception of some kind will occur.

        Specified by:
        create in interface StorageService
        value - object to store
        true iff record was inserted, false iff a duplicate was found
        IOException - if fatal errors occur in the insertion process
      • read

        public Object read​(@Nonnull
                           Object value)
                    throws IOException
        Returns an existing record from the store, if one exists, and uses it to update the annotated fields of a target object.

        The context and key to look up are obtained from the target object, and the value and expiration are written back, using the annotations in the package. If any are missing, or a field inaccessible, a runtime exception of some kind will occur.

        Specified by:
        read in interface StorageService
        value - object to look up and populate
        the updated object passed into the method, or null if no record was found
        IOException - if errors occur in the read process
      • update

        public <T> boolean update​(@Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                  String context,
                                  @Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                  String key,
                                  T value,
                                  StorageSerializer<T> serializer,
                                  @Nullable @Positive
                                  Long expiration)
                           throws IOException
        Updates an existing record in the store using a custom serialization strategy.
        Specified by:
        update in interface StorageService
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of record
        context - a storage context label
        key - a key unique to context
        value - updated value
        serializer - custom serializer
        expiration - expiration for record, or null
        true if the update succeeded, false if the record does not exist
        IOException - if errors occur in the update process
      • updateWithVersion

        public <T> Long updateWithVersion​(@Positive
                                          long version,
                                          @Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                          String context,
                                          @Nonnull @NotEmpty
                                          String key,
                                          T value,
                                          StorageSerializer<T> serializer,
                                          @Nullable @Positive
                                          Long expiration)
                                   throws IOException,
        Updates an existing record in the store, if a version matches, using a custom serialization strategy.
        Specified by:
        updateWithVersion in interface StorageService
        Type Parameters:
        T - type of record
        version - only update if the current version matches this value
        context - a storage context label
        key - a key unique to context
        value - updated value
        serializer - custom serializer
        expiration - expiration for record, or null
        the version of the record after update, null if no record exists
        IOException - if errors occur in the update process
        VersionMismatchException - if the record has already been updated to a newer version
      • update

        public boolean update​(@Nonnull
                              Object value)
                       throws IOException
        Updates an existing record in the store, using an annotated object as the source.

        The individual parameters for the update are extracted from the object using the annotations in the package. If any are missing, or a field inaccessible, a runtime exception of some kind will occur.

        Specified by:
        update in interface StorageService
        value - object to update from
        true if the update succeeded, false if the record does not exist
        IOException - if errors occur in the update process
      • updateWithVersion

        public Long updateWithVersion​(@Positive
                                      long version,
                                      Object value)
                               throws IOException,
        Updates an existing record in the store, if a version matches, using an annotated object as the source.

        The individual parameters for the update are extracted from the object using the annotations in the package. If any are missing, or a field inaccessible, a runtime exception of some kind will occur.

        Specified by:
        updateWithVersion in interface StorageService
        version - only update if the current version matches this value
        value - object to update from
        the version of the record after update, null if no record exists
        IOException - if errors occur in the update process
        VersionMismatchException - if the record has already been updated to a newer version
      • updateExpiration

        public boolean updateExpiration​(@Nonnull
                                        Object value)
                                 throws IOException
        Updates expiration of an existing record in the store, using an annotated object as the source.

        The individual parameters for the update are extracted from the object using the annotations in the package. If any are missing, or a field inaccessible, a runtime exception of some kind will occur.

        Specified by:
        updateExpiration in interface StorageService
        value - object to update from
        true if the update succeeded, false if the record does not exist
        IOException - if errors occur in the update process
      • delete

        public boolean delete​(@Nonnull
                              Object value)
                       throws IOException
        Deletes an existing record from the store, using an annotated object as the source.

        The individual parameters for the deletion are extracted from the object using the annotations in the package. If any are missing, or a field inaccessible, a runtime exception of some kind will occur.

        Specified by:
        delete in interface StorageService
        value - object to delete
        true iff the record existed and was deleted
        IOException - if errors occur in the deletion process
      • deleteWithVersion

        public boolean deleteWithVersion​(@Positive
                                         long version,
                                         Object value)
                                  throws IOException,
        Deletes an existing record from the store, using an annotated object as the source, if it currently has a specified version.

        The individual parameters for the deletion are extracted from the object using the annotations in the package. If any are missing, or a field inaccessible, a runtime exception of some kind will occur.

        Specified by:
        deleteWithVersion in interface StorageService
        version - record version to delete
        value - object to delete
        true iff the record existed and was deleted
        IOException - if errors occur in the deletion process
        VersionMismatchException - if the record has already been updated to a newer version