Class BaseSignatureTrustEngine<TrustBasisType>

  • Type Parameters:
    TrustBasisType - the type of trusted information which has been resolved and which will serve as the basis for trust evaluation
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    TrustEngine<Signature>, SignatureTrustEngine
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ExplicitKeySignatureTrustEngine, PKIXSignatureTrustEngine

    public abstract class BaseSignatureTrustEngine<TrustBasisType>
    extends Object
    implements SignatureTrustEngine
    A base implementation of SignatureTrustEngine which evaluates the validity and trustworthiness of XML and raw signatures.

    When processing XML signatures, the supplied KeyInfoCredentialResolver will be used to resolve credential(s) containing the (advisory) signing key from the KeyInfo element of the Signature, if present. If any of these credentials do contain the valid signing key, they will be evaluated for trustworthiness against trusted information, which will be resolved in an implementation-specific manner.

    Subclasses are required to implement evaluateTrust(Credential, Object) using an implementation-specific trust model.

    • Field Detail

      • log

        private final org.slf4j.Logger log
        Class logger.
      • keyInfoCredentialResolver

        private final KeyInfoCredentialResolver keyInfoCredentialResolver
        KeyInfo credential resolver used to obtain the signing credential from a Signature's KeyInfo.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseSignatureTrustEngine

        public BaseSignatureTrustEngine​(@Nonnull
                                        KeyInfoCredentialResolver keyInfoResolver)
        keyInfoResolver - KeyInfo credential resolver used to obtain the (advisory) signing credential from a Signature's KeyInfo element.
    • Method Detail

      • doValidate

        protected abstract boolean doValidate​(@Nonnull
                                              Signature signature,
                                              CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
                                       throws SecurityException
        Validate the signature using the supplied trust criteria.
        signature - the signature to validate
        trustBasisCriteria - criteria used to describe and/or resolve the information which serves as the basis for trust evaluation
        true if signature is valid and trusted, false otherwise
        SecurityException - if there is a fatal error evaluating the signature
      • doValidate

        protected abstract boolean doValidate​(@Nonnull
                                              byte[] signature,
                                              byte[] content,
                                              String algorithmURI,
                                              CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria,
                                              Credential candidateCredential)
                                       throws SecurityException
        Determines whether a raw signature over specified content is valid and signed by a trusted credential.

        A candidate verification credential may optionally be supplied. If one is supplied and is determined to successfully verify the signature, an attempt will be made to establish trust on this basis.

        If a candidate credential is not supplied, or it does not successfully verify the signature, some implementations may be able to resolve candidate verification credential(s) in an implementation-specific manner based on the trusted criteria supplied, and then attempt to verify the signature and establish trust on this basis.

        signature - the signature value
        content - the content that was signed
        algorithmURI - the signature algorithm URI which was used to sign the content
        trustBasisCriteria - criteria used to describe and/or resolve the information which serves as the basis for trust evaluation
        candidateCredential - the untrusted candidate credential containing the validation key for the signature (optional)
        true if the signature was valid for the provided content and was signed by a key contained within a credential established as trusted based on the supplied criteria, otherwise false
        SecurityException - thrown if there is a problem attempting to verify the signature such as the signature algorithm not being supported
      • validate

        protected boolean validate​(@Nonnull
                                   Signature signature,
                                   TrustBasisType trustBasis)
                            throws SecurityException
        Attempt to establish trust by resolving signature verification credentials from the Signature's KeyInfo. If any credentials so resolved correctly verify the signature, attempt to establish trust using subclass-specific trust logic against trusted information as implemented in evaluateTrust(Credential, Object).
        signature - the Signature to evaluate
        trustBasis - the information which serves as the basis for trust evaluation
        true if the signature is verified by any KeyInfo-derived credential which can be established as trusted, otherwise false
        SecurityException - if an error occurs during signature verification or trust processing
      • evaluateTrust

        protected abstract boolean evaluateTrust​(@Nonnull
                                                 Credential untrustedCredential,
                                                 TrustBasisType trustBasis)
                                          throws SecurityException
        Evaluate the untrusted KeyInfo-derived credential with respect to the specified trusted information.
        untrustedCredential - the untrusted credential being evaluated
        trustBasis - the information which serves as the basis for trust evaluation
        true if the trust can be established for the untrusted credential, otherwise false
        SecurityException - if an error occurs during trust processing
      • verifySignature

        protected boolean verifySignature​(@Nonnull
                                          Signature signature,
                                          Credential credential)
        Attempt to verify a signature using the key from the supplied credential.
        signature - the signature on which to attempt verification
        credential - the credential containing the candidate validation key
        true if the signature can be verified using the key from the credential, otherwise false
      • checkParams

        protected void checkParams​(@Nonnull
                                   Signature signature,
                                   CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
                            throws SecurityException
        Check the signature and credential criteria for required values.
        signature - the signature to be evaluated
        trustBasisCriteria - the set of trusted credential criteria
        SecurityException - thrown if required values are absent or otherwise invalid
      • checkParamsRaw

        protected void checkParamsRaw​(@Nonnull
                                      byte[] signature,
                                      byte[] content,
                                      String algorithmURI,
                                      CriteriaSet trustBasisCriteria)
                               throws SecurityException
        Check the signature and credential criteria for required values.
        signature - the signature to be evaluated
        content - the data over which the signature was computed
        algorithmURI - the signing algorithm URI which was used
        trustBasisCriteria - the set of trusted credential criteria
        SecurityException - thrown if required values are absent or otherwise invalid