Package org.opensaml.common.binding.artifact

Classes that may be used to create and manipulate SAML artifacts.


Interface Summary
SAMLArtifactMap Maps an artifact to a SAML message and back again.
SAMLArtifactMap.SAMLArtifactMapEntry Represents a mapping between an artifact a SAML message with some associated metadata.
SAMLArtifactMap.SAMLArtifactMapEntryFactory A factory for producing SAMLArtifactMapEntry instances based on standard inputs.

Class Summary
AbstractSAMLArtifact Base class for SAML artifacts.
BasicSAMLArtifactMap Basic artifact map implementation that uses a StorageService to store and retrieve artifacts.
BasicSAMLArtifactMapEntry Basic implementation of SAMLArtifactMap.SAMLArtifactMapEntry.
BasicSAMLArtifactMapEntryFactory A basic factory for instances of SAMLArtifactMap.SAMLArtifactMapEntryFactory.

Package org.opensaml.common.binding.artifact Description

Classes that may be used to create and manipulate SAML artifacts.

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