Class AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider

  extended by org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.BaseMetadataProvider
      extended by org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
          extended by org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractObservableMetadataProvider
              extended by org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider
All Implemented Interfaces:
MetadataProvider, ObservableMetadataProvider
Direct Known Subclasses:
FilesystemMetadataProvider, HTTPMetadataProvider, ResourceBackedMetadataProvider

public abstract class AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider
extends AbstractObservableMetadataProvider

Base class for metadata providers that cache and periodically refresh their metadata. This metadata provider periodically checks to see if the read metadata file has changed. The delay between each refresh interval is calculated as follows. If no validUntil or cacheDuration is present then the getMaxRefreshDelay() value is used. Otherwise, the earliest refresh interval of the metadata file is checked by looking for the earliest of all the validUntil attributes and cacheDuration attributes. If that refresh interval is larger than the max refresh delay then getMaxRefreshDelay() is used. If that number is smaller than the min refresh delay then getMinRefreshDelay() is used. Otherwise the calculated refresh delay multiplied by getRefreshDelayFactor() is used. By using this factor, the provider will attempt to be refresh before the cache actually expires, allowing a some room for error and recovery. Assuming the factor is not exceedingly close to 1.0 and a min refresh delay that is not overly large, this refresh will likely occur a few times before the cache expires.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.ObservableMetadataProvider
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.BaseMetadataProvider
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider()
protected AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider(Timer backgroundTaskTimer)
Method Summary
protected  long computeNextRefreshDelay(org.joda.time.DateTime expectedExpiration)
          Computes the delay until the next refresh time based on the current metadata's expiration time and the refresh interval floor.
protected  org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject doGetMetadata()
          Gets the metadata currently held by the provider.
protected  void doInitialization()
          Subclasses should override this method to perform any initialization logic necessary.
protected abstract  byte[] fetchMetadata()
          Fetches metadata from a source.
 org.joda.time.DateTime getExpirationTime()
          Gets the time when the currently cached metadata expires.
 org.joda.time.DateTime getLastRefresh()
          Gets the time the last refresh cycle occurred.
 org.joda.time.DateTime getLastUpdate()
          Gets the time that the currently available metadata was last updated.
 long getMaxRefreshDelay()
          Gets the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refresh intervals.
protected abstract  String getMetadataIdentifier()
          Gets an identifier which may be used to distinguish this metadata in logging statements.
 int getMinRefreshDelay()
          Gets the minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refreshes.
 org.joda.time.DateTime getNextRefresh()
          Gets the time when the next refresh cycle will occur.
 float getRefreshDelayFactor()
          Gets the delay factor used to compute the next refresh time.
protected  byte[] inputstreamToByteArray(InputStream ins)
          Converts an InputStream into a byte array.
protected  void postProcessMetadata(byte[] metadataBytes, Document metadataDom, org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject metadata)
          Post-processing hook called after new metadata has been unmarshalled, filtered, and the DOM released (from the XMLObject) but before the metadata is saved off.
protected  void processCachedMetadata(String metadataIdentifier, org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart)
          Processes a cached metadata document in order to determine, and schedule, the next time it should be refreshed.
protected  void processNewMetadata(String metadataIdentifier, org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart, byte[] metadataBytes)
          Process a new metadata document.
protected  void processNonExpiredMetadata(String metadataIdentifier, org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart, byte[] metadataBytes, org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject metadata)
          Processes metadata that has been determined to be valid at the time it was fetched.
protected  void processPreExpiredMetadata(String metadataIdentifier, org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart, byte[] metadataBytes, org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject metadata)
          Processes metadata that has been determined to be invalid (usually because it's already expired) at the time it was fetched.
 void refresh()
          Refreshes the metadata from its source.
 void setMaxRefreshDelay(long delay)
          Sets the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refresh intervals.
 void setMinRefreshDelay(int delay)
          Sets the minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refreshes.
 void setRefreshDelayFactor(float factor)
          Sets the delay factor used to compute the next refresh time.
protected  org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject unmarshallMetadata(byte[] metadataBytes)
          Unmarshalls the given metadata bytes.
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractObservableMetadataProvider
emitChangeEvent, getObservers
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.AbstractMetadataProvider
clearDescriptorIndex, doGetEntitiesDescriptor, doGetEntityDescriptor, doGetRole, doGetRole, filterMetadata, getEntitiesDescriptor, getEntitiesDescriptorByName, getEntityDescriptor, getEntityDescriptorById, getEntityDescriptorById, getMetadata, getParserPool, getRole, getRole, initialize, isFailFastInitialization, isInitialized, isValid, releaseMetadataDOM, setFailFastInitialization, setInitialized, setParserPool, unmarshallMetadata
Methods inherited from class org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.BaseMetadataProvider
getMetadataFilter, requireValidMetadata, setMetadataFilter, setRequireValidMetadata
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider.MetadataProvider
getEntitiesDescriptor, getEntityDescriptor, getMetadata, getMetadataFilter, getRole, getRole, requireValidMetadata, setMetadataFilter, setRequireValidMetadata

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider()


protected AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider(Timer backgroundTaskTimer)

backgroundTaskTimer - time used to schedule background refresh tasks
Method Detail


public org.joda.time.DateTime getExpirationTime()
Gets the time when the currently cached metadata expires.

time when the currently cached metadata expires, or null if no metadata is cached


public org.joda.time.DateTime getLastUpdate()
Gets the time that the currently available metadata was last updated. Note, this may be different than the time retrieved by getLastUpdate() is the metadata was known not to have changed during the last refresh cycle.

time when the currently metadata was last update, 0 if metadata has never successfully been read in


public org.joda.time.DateTime getLastRefresh()
Gets the time the last refresh cycle occurred.

time the last refresh cycle occurred


public org.joda.time.DateTime getNextRefresh()
Gets the time when the next refresh cycle will occur.

time when the next refresh cycle will occur


public long getMaxRefreshDelay()
Gets the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refresh intervals.

maximum amount of time between refresh intervals


public void setMaxRefreshDelay(long delay)
Sets the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refresh intervals.

delay - maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refresh intervals


public float getRefreshDelayFactor()
Gets the delay factor used to compute the next refresh time.

delay factor used to compute the next refresh time


public void setRefreshDelayFactor(float factor)
Sets the delay factor used to compute the next refresh time. The delay must be between 0.0 and 1.0, exclusive.

factor - delay factor used to compute the next refresh time


public int getMinRefreshDelay()
Gets the minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refreshes.

minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refreshes


public void setMinRefreshDelay(int delay)
Sets the minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refreshes.

delay - minimum amount of time, in milliseconds, between refreshes


protected org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject doGetMetadata()
                                            throws MetadataProviderException
Gets the metadata currently held by the provider. This method should not check if the provider is initialized, if the metadata is valid, etc. All of this is done by the invoker of this method.

Specified by:
doGetMetadata in class AbstractMetadataProvider
the metadata currently held by this provider or null if no metadata is available
MetadataProviderException - thrown if there is a problem retrieving the metadata


protected void doInitialization()
                         throws MetadataProviderException
Subclasses should override this method to perform any initialization logic necessary. Default implementation is a no-op.

doInitialization in class AbstractMetadataProvider
MetadataProviderException - thrown if there is a problem initializing the provider


public void refresh()
             throws MetadataProviderException
Refreshes the metadata from its source.

MetadataProviderException - thrown is there is a problem retrieving and processing the metadata


protected abstract String getMetadataIdentifier()
Gets an identifier which may be used to distinguish this metadata in logging statements.

identifier which may be used to distinguish this metadata in logging statements


protected abstract byte[] fetchMetadata()
                                 throws MetadataProviderException
Fetches metadata from a source.

the fetched metadata, or null if the metadata is known not to have changed since the last retrieval
MetadataProviderException - thrown if there is a problem fetching the metadata


protected org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject unmarshallMetadata(byte[] metadataBytes)
                                                 throws MetadataProviderException
Unmarshalls the given metadata bytes.

metadataBytes - raw metadata bytes
the metadata
MetadataProviderException - thrown if the metadata can not be unmarshalled


protected void processCachedMetadata(String metadataIdentifier,
                                     org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart)
                              throws MetadataProviderException
Processes a cached metadata document in order to determine, and schedule, the next time it should be refreshed.

metadataIdentifier - identifier of the metadata source
refreshStart - when the current refresh cycle started
MetadataProviderException - throw is there is a problem process the cached metadata


protected void processNewMetadata(String metadataIdentifier,
                                  org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart,
                                  byte[] metadataBytes)
                           throws MetadataProviderException
Process a new metadata document. Processing include unmarshalling and filtering metadata, determining the next time is should be refreshed and scheduling the next refresh cycle.

metadataIdentifier - identifier of the metadata source
refreshStart - when the current refresh cycle started
metadataBytes - raw bytes of the new metadata document
MetadataProviderException - thrown if there is a problem unmarshalling or filtering the new metadata


protected void processPreExpiredMetadata(String metadataIdentifier,
                                         org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart,
                                         byte[] metadataBytes,
                                         org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject metadata)
Processes metadata that has been determined to be invalid (usually because it's already expired) at the time it was fetched. A metadata document is considered be invalid if its root element returns false when passed to the AbstractMetadataProvider.isValid(XMLObject) method.

metadataIdentifier - identifier of the metadata source
refreshStart - when the current refresh cycle started
metadataBytes - raw bytes of the new metadata document
metadata - new metadata document unmarshalled


protected void processNonExpiredMetadata(String metadataIdentifier,
                                         org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart,
                                         byte[] metadataBytes,
                                         org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject metadata)
                                  throws MetadataProviderException
Processes metadata that has been determined to be valid at the time it was fetched. A metadata document is considered be valid if its root element returns true when passed to the AbstractMetadataProvider.isValid(XMLObject) method.

metadataIdentifier - identifier of the metadata source
refreshStart - when the current refresh cycle started
metadataBytes - raw bytes of the new metadata document
metadata - new metadata document unmarshalled
MetadataProviderException - thrown if there s a problem processing the metadata


protected void postProcessMetadata(byte[] metadataBytes,
                                   Document metadataDom,
                                   org.opensaml.xml.XMLObject metadata)
                            throws MetadataProviderException
Post-processing hook called after new metadata has been unmarshalled, filtered, and the DOM released (from the XMLObject) but before the metadata is saved off. Any exception thrown by this hook will cause the retrieved metadata to be discarded. The default implementation of this method is a no-op

metadataBytes - raw metadata bytes retrieved via fetchMetadata()
metadataDom - metadata after it has been parsed in to a DOM document
metadata - metadata after it has been run through all registered filters and its DOM released
MetadataProviderException - thrown if there is a problem with the provided data


protected long computeNextRefreshDelay(org.joda.time.DateTime expectedExpiration)
Computes the delay until the next refresh time based on the current metadata's expiration time and the refresh interval floor.

expectedExpiration - the time when the metadata is expected to expire and need refreshing
delay, in milliseconds, until the next refresh time


protected byte[] inputstreamToByteArray(InputStream ins)
                                 throws MetadataProviderException
Converts an InputStream into a byte array.

ins - input stream to convert
resultant byte array
MetadataProviderException - thrown if there is a problem reading the resultant byte array

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