
Classes related to verifying various credentials within a SAML system.


Class Summary
MetadataCredentialResolver A credential resolver capable of resolving credentials from SAML 2 metadata; The instance of CriteriaSet passed to AbstractCriteriaFilteringCredentialResolver.resolve(CriteriaSet) and AbstractCredentialResolver.resolveSingle(CriteriaSet) must minimally contain 2 criteria: EntityIDCriteria and MetadataCriteria.
MetadataCredentialResolverFactory Singleton factory for producing instances of MetadataCredentialResolver based on a given instance of MetadataProvider.
MetadataCriteria An implementation of Criteria which specifies criteria pertaining to SAML 2 metadata.
SAMLMDCredentialContext A credential context for credentials resolved from a KeyInfo that was found in SAML 2 metadata.
SAMLSignatureProfileValidator A validator for instances of Signature, which validates that the signature meets security-related requirements indicated by the SAML profile of XML Signature.

Package Description

Classes related to verifying various credentials within a SAML system.

Information on using this library can be found in the User's Manual and information on extending its functionality can be found in the Developer's Manual.

See Also:
OpenSAML Wiki

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