Uses of Class

Packages that use MetadataProviderException
org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider Class for retrieving, filtering, and querying metadata. 

Uses of MetadataProviderException in org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider

Methods in org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider that throw MetadataProviderException
 void ChainingMetadataProvider.addMetadataProvider(MetadataProvider newProvider)
          Adds a metadata provider to the list of registered providers.
protected  EntitiesDescriptor AbstractMetadataProvider.doGetEntitiesDescriptor(String name)
          Gets the named EntitiesDescriptor from the metadata.
protected  EntityDescriptor AbstractMetadataProvider.doGetEntityDescriptor(String entityID)
          Gets the identified EntityDescriptor from the metadata.
protected  XMLObject DOMMetadataProvider.doGetMetadata()
          Gets the metadata currently held by the provider.
protected abstract  XMLObject AbstractMetadataProvider.doGetMetadata()
          Gets the metadata currently held by the provider.
protected  XMLObject AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.doGetMetadata()
          Gets the metadata currently held by the provider.
protected  List<RoleDescriptor> AbstractMetadataProvider.doGetRole(String entityID, QName roleName)
          Gets the identified roles from an EntityDescriptor.
protected  RoleDescriptor AbstractMetadataProvider.doGetRole(String entityID, QName roleName, String supportedProtocol)
          Gets the role which supports the given protocol.
protected  void DOMMetadataProvider.doInitialization()
          Subclasses should override this method to perform any initialization logic necessary.
protected  void AbstractMetadataProvider.doInitialization()
          Subclasses should override this method to perform any initialization logic necessary.
protected  void AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.doInitialization()
          Subclasses should override this method to perform any initialization logic necessary.
protected  void FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider.doInitialization()
          Subclasses should override this method to perform any initialization logic necessary.
protected  byte[] FilesystemMetadataProvider.fetchMetadata()
          Fetches metadata from a source.
protected abstract  byte[] AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.fetchMetadata()
          Fetches metadata from a source.
protected  byte[] ResourceBackedMetadataProvider.fetchMetadata()
          Fetches metadata from a source.
protected  byte[] HTTPMetadataProvider.fetchMetadata()
          Gets the metadata document from the remote server.
protected  byte[] FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider.fetchMetadata()
          Gets the metadata document from the remote server.
 EntitiesDescriptor AbstractMetadataProvider.getEntitiesDescriptor(String name)
          Gets a valid named EntitiesDescriptor from the metadata.
 EntitiesDescriptor ChainingMetadataProvider.getEntitiesDescriptor(String name)
          Gets a valid named EntitiesDescriptor from the metadata.
 EntitiesDescriptor MetadataProvider.getEntitiesDescriptor(String name)
          Gets a valid named EntitiesDescriptor from the metadata.
 EntityDescriptor AbstractMetadataProvider.getEntityDescriptor(String entityID)
          Gets the valid metadata for a given entity.
 EntityDescriptor ChainingMetadataProvider.getEntityDescriptor(String entityID)
          Gets the valid metadata for a given entity.
 EntityDescriptor MetadataProvider.getEntityDescriptor(String entityID)
          Gets the valid metadata for a given entity.
 XMLObject AbstractMetadataProvider.getMetadata()
          Gets the valid metadata tree, after the registered filter has been applied.
 XMLObject ChainingMetadataProvider.getMetadata()
          Gets the metadata from every registered provider and places each within a newly created EntitiesDescriptor.
 XMLObject MetadataProvider.getMetadata()
          Gets the valid metadata tree, after the registered filter has been applied.
protected  byte[] HTTPMetadataProvider.getMetadataBytesFromResponse(org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod getMethod)
          Extracts the raw metadata bytes from the response taking in to account possible deflate and GZip compression.
 List<RoleDescriptor> AbstractMetadataProvider.getRole(String entityID, QName roleName)
          Gets the valid role descriptors of a given type for a given entity.
 List<RoleDescriptor> ChainingMetadataProvider.getRole(String entityID, QName roleName)
          Gets the valid role descriptors of a given type for a given entity.
 List<RoleDescriptor> MetadataProvider.getRole(String entityID, QName roleName)
          Gets the valid role descriptors of a given type for a given entity.
 RoleDescriptor AbstractMetadataProvider.getRole(String entityID, QName roleName, String supportedProtocol)
          Gets the valid role descriptors of a given type for a given entity that support the given protocol.
 RoleDescriptor ChainingMetadataProvider.getRole(String entityID, QName roleName, String supportedProtocol)
          Gets the valid role descriptors of a given type for a given entity that support the given protocol.
 RoleDescriptor MetadataProvider.getRole(String entityID, QName roleName, String supportedProtocol)
          Gets the valid role descriptors of a given type for a given entity that support the given protocol.
 void AbstractMetadataProvider.initialize()
          Initializes this metadata provider.
protected  byte[] AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.inputstreamToByteArray(InputStream ins)
          Converts an InputStream into a byte array.
protected  void AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.postProcessMetadata(byte[] metadataBytes, Document metadataDom, XMLObject metadata)
          Post-processing hook called after new metadata has been unmarshalled, filtered, and the DOM released (from the XMLObject) but before the metadata is saved off.
protected  void FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider.postProcessMetadata(byte[] metadataBytes, Document metadataDom, XMLObject metadata)
          Post-processing hook called after new metadata has been unmarshalled, filtered, and the DOM released (from the XMLObject) but before the metadata is saved off.
protected  void AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.processCachedMetadata(String metadataIdentifier, org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart)
          Processes a cached metadata document in order to determine, and schedule, the next time it should be refreshed.
protected  void AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.processNewMetadata(String metadataIdentifier, org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart, byte[] metadataBytes)
          Process a new metadata document.
protected  void AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.processNonExpiredMetadata(String metadataIdentifier, org.joda.time.DateTime refreshStart, byte[] metadataBytes, XMLObject metadata)
          Processes metadata that has been determined to be valid at the time it was fetched.
 void AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.refresh()
          Refreshes the metadata from its source.
protected  void FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider.setBackupFile(String backupFilePath)
          Sets the file used to backup metadata.
protected  void FilesystemMetadataProvider.setMetadataFile(File file)
          Sets the file from which metadata is read.
 void BaseMetadataProvider.setMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter newFilter)
          Sets the metadata filter applied to the metadata.
 void ChainingMetadataProvider.setMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter newFilter)
          Sets the metadata filter applied to the metadata.
 void MetadataProvider.setMetadataFilter(MetadataFilter newFilter)
          Sets the metadata filter applied to the metadata.
 void ChainingMetadataProvider.setProviders(List<MetadataProvider> newProviders)
          Replaces the current set of metadata providers with give collection.
protected  XMLObject AbstractReloadingMetadataProvider.unmarshallMetadata(byte[] metadataBytes)
          Unmarshalls the given metadata bytes.
protected  void FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider.validateBackupFile(File backupFile)
          Validate the basic properties of the specified metadata backup file, for example that it exists and/or can be created; that it is not a directory; and that it is readable and writable.
protected  void FilesystemMetadataProvider.validateMetadataFile(File file)
          Validate the basic properties of the specified metadata file, for example that it exists; that it is a file; and that it is readable.

Constructors in org.opensaml.saml2.metadata.provider that throw MetadataProviderException
FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider(String metadataURL, int requestTimeout, String backupFilePath)
FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider(Timer backgroundTaskTimer, org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient client, String metadataURL, String backupFilePath)
FilesystemMetadataProvider(File metadata)
FilesystemMetadataProvider(Timer backgroundTaskTimer, File metadata)
HTTPMetadataProvider(String metadataURL, int requestTimeout)
HTTPMetadataProvider(Timer backgroundTaskTimer, org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient client, String metadataURL)
ResourceBackedMetadataProvider(Resource resource, Timer timer, long maxMetadataCacheDuration)
ResourceBackedMetadataProvider(Timer timer, Resource resource)

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